Private Sub Example(panposition As Integer)
Dim tbfile = New TextBox()
Dim lineExample As Integer = 2
' creating a text box with a variable name
Controls.Add(tbfile) ' create the new textbox to hold the file name
tbfile.Name = "tbfile" + panposition.ToString
tbfile.Location = New Point(85, tvposition)
tbfile.Size = New Size(155, 20)
tbfile.Text = "file name"
tbfile.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left
tbfile.HideSelection = False
tbfile.TabStop = False
tbfile.AllowDrop = False
tbfile.Visible = True
' trying to update the text in the text box using file name and text retrieved from an array
Me.Controls.(arrTextVals(1, lineExample)).Text = arrTextVals(2, lineExample)
End Sub
你從哪裏得到錯誤?我無法看到New TextBOx的名稱添加到'arrTextVals'的位置。列表或可能是字典(取決於其中的其他信息),可能會更好地工作 – Plutonix
嘗試使用DirectCast來獲取控件 – Dman
嘗試在設置屬性後添加控件。 – rheitzman