2017-05-11 75 views

我有以下代碼,其中'password'是傳遞給函數的字符串。問題是,當我試圖讀取在前半段代碼中創建的文件時,Python將其解釋爲空(儘管文件資源管理器和文本編輯器告訴我它包含內容)。這4個打印語句是爲了協助調試(發現here)。Python 3.6:讀取一個非空的二進制文件被Python解釋爲空

def encryptcredentials(username, password): 
    # Create key randomly and save to file 
    key = get_random_bytes(16) 
    keyfile = open("key.bin", "wb").write(key) 

    password = password.encode('utf-8') 

    path = "encrypted.bin" 

    # The following code generates a new AES128 key and encrypts a piece of data into a file 
    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_EAX) 
    ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(password) 

    file_out = open(path, "wb") 
    [file_out.write(x) for x in (cipher.nonce, tag, ciphertext)] 

    print("the path is {!r}".format(path)) 
    print("path exists: ", os.path.exists(path)) 
    print("it is a file: ", os.path.isfile(path)) 
    print("file size is: ", os.path.getsize(path)) 

    # At the other end, the receiver can securely load the piece of data back, if they know the key. 
    file_in = open(path, "rb") 
    nonce, tag, ciphertext = [file_in.read(x) for x in (16, 16, -1)] 


the path is 'encrypted.bin' 
path exists: True 
it is a file: True 
file size is: 0 

Here's an image of how the file is displayed in File Explorer.

看來,有在[file_out.write(x) for x in (cipher.nonce, tag, ciphertext)]產生的.bin文件的內容,但我不能讓Python閱讀。

歡迎所有建議。我正在運行Python 3.6,32位。




[file_out.write(x) for x in (cipher.nonce, tag, ciphertext)] 

謝謝@stovfl - 這個伎倆。 – doubleknavery