2016-07-25 40 views

我已經使用來自Miguel Marnoto的Codepen的兩個Google地圖實例的Javascript,現在我試圖擴展到三個或四個實例,我嘗試初始化通過命名其他兩個instaces,MapRIght和MapThree在下面。我沒有任何運氣,任何人都可以建議如何擴展Miguel在原始Javascript CodePen中寫的內容。如何在同一頁面上添加三個谷歌地圖實例



// * 
// * Two maps on the same page, expanded to three 
// * 2015 - en.marnoto.com 
// * 

// necessary variables 
var mapLeft, mapRight, mapThree; 
var infoWindowLeft, infoWindowRight, infoWindowThree; 

// markersData variable stores the information necessary to each marker 
var markersDataLeft = [ 
     lat: 40.6486333, 
     lng: -8.745, 
     name: "Camping Praia do Farol", 
     address1:"Rua Diogo Cão, 125", 
     address2: "Praia da Barra", 
     postalCode: "3830-772 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
     lat: 40.54955, 
     lng: -8.7498167, 
     name: "Camping Costa Velha", 
     address1:"Quinta dos Patos, n.º 2", 
     address2: "Praia da Costa Nova", 
     postalCode: "3830-453 Gafanha da Encarnação" // don't insert comma in  the last item of each marker 
     lat: 40.6447167, 
     lng: -8.7129167, 
     name: "Camping Gafanha da Boavista", 
     address1:"Rua dos Balneários do Complexo Desportivo", 
     address2: "Gafanha da Nazaré", 
     postalCode: "3830-225 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the last item of each marker 
    } // don't insert comma in the last item 

var markersDataRight = [ 
     lat: 40.6386333, 
     lng: -8.745, 
     name: "Camping Praia da Barra", 
     address1:"Rua Diogo Cão, 125", 
     address2: "Praia da Barra", 
     postalCode: "3830-772 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the last item of each marker 
     lat: 40.59955, 
     lng: -8.7498167, 
     name: "Camping Costa Nova", 
     address1:"Quinta dos Patos, n.º 2", 
     address2: "Praia da Costa Nova", 
     postalCode: "3830-453 Gafanha da Encarnação" // don't insert comma in  the last item of each marker 
     lat: 40.6247167, 
     lng: -8.7129167, 
     name: "Camping Gafanha da Nazaré", 
     address1:"Rua dos Balneários do Complexo Desportivo", 
     address2: "Gafanha da Nazaré", 
     postalCode: "3830-225 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
    } // don't insert comma in the last item 

var markersDataThree = [ 
     lat: 40.6386333, 
     lng: -8.745, 
     name: "Camping Praia da Barra", 
     address1:"Rua Diogo Cão, 125", 
     address2: "Praia da Barra", 
     postalCode: "3830-772 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
     lat: 40.59955, 
     lng: -8.7498167, 
     name: "Camping Costa Nova", 
     address1:"Quinta dos Patos, n.º 2", 
     address2: "Praia da Costa Nova", 
     postalCode: "3830-453 Gafanha da Encarnação" // don't insert comma in  the last item of each marker 
     lat: 40.6247167, 
     lng: -8.7129167, 
     name: "Camping Gafanha da Nazaré", 
     address1:"Rua dos Balneários do Complexo Desportivo", 
     address2: "Gafanha da Nazaré", 
     postalCode: "3830-225 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
    } // don't insert comma in the last item 

function initialize(setMap) { 

    var mapOptions; 

    if(setMap == "mapLeft") { 
     mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.601203,-8.668173), 
     zoom: 11, 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap', 

     mapLeft = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas- left'), mapOptions); 

     // a new Info Window is created 
     infoWindowLeft = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

     // Event that closes the Info Window with a click on the map 
     google.maps.event.addListener(mapLeft, 'click', function() { 

    } else { 

    mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.601203,-8.668173), 
      zoom: 9, 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap', 

     mapRight = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas- right'), mapOptions); 

     // a new Info Window is created 
     infoWindowRight = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

     // Event that closes the Info Window with a click on the map 
     google.maps.event.addListener(mapRight, 'click', function() { 

    } else { 

     mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.601203,-8.668173), 
     zoom: 7, 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap', 

     mapThree = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas- three'), mapOptions); 

     // a new Info Window is created 
     infoWindowThree = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

     // Event that closes the Info Window with a click on the map 
     google.maps.event.addListener(mapThree, 'click', function() { 

    // Finally displayMarkers() function is called to begin the markers  creation 

    // Create second map only when initialize function is called for the  first time. 
    // Second time setMap is equal to mapRight, so this condition returns  false and it will not run 
    if(setMap == "mapLeft"){ 
     initialize("mapRight", "mapThree"); 

google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', function(){  initialize("mapLeft") }); 

// This function will iterate over markersData array 
// creating markers with createMarker function 
function displayMarkers(setMap){ 

    var markersData; 
    var map; 

    if(setMap == "mapLeft"){ 
     markersData = markersDataLeft; 
     map = mapLeft; 
    } else { 
     markersData = markersDataRight; 
     map = mapRight; 
    } else { 
     markersData = markersDataThree; 
     map = mapThree; 
    // this variable sets the map bounds according to markers position 
    var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); 

    // for loop traverses markersData array calling createMarker function for  each marker 
    for (var i = 0; i < markersData.length; i++){ 

     var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(markersData[i].lat,  markersData[i].lng); 
     var name = markersData[i].name; 
     var address1 = markersData[i].address1; 
     var address2 = markersData[i].address2; 
     var postalCode = markersData[i].postalCode; 

     createMarker(setMap, latlng, name, address1, address2, postalCode); 

     // marker position is added to bounds variable 

    // Finally the bounds variable is used to set the map bounds 
    // with fitBounds() function 

// This function creates each marker and it sets their Info Window content 
function createMarker(setMap, latlng, name, address1, address2, postalCode){ 

    var map; 
    var infoWindow; 

    if(setMap == "mapLeft"){ 
     map = mapLeft; 
     infoWindow = infoWindowLeft; 
    } else { 
    map = mapRight; 
     infoWindow = infoWindowRight; 
    } else { 
     map = mapThree; 
     infoWindow = infoWindowThree; 

    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
     map: map, 
     position: latlng, 
     title: name 

    // This event expects a click on a marker 
    // When this event is fired the Info Window content is created 
    // and the Info Window is opened. 
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { 

     // Creating the content to be inserted in the infowindow 
     var iwContent = '<div id="iw_container">' + 
      '<div class="iw_title">' + name + '</div>' + 
     '<div class="iw_content">' + address1 + '<br />' + 
     address2 + '<br />' + 
     postalCode + '</div></div>'; 

     // including content to the Info Window. 

     // opening the Info Window in the current map and at the current marker location. 
     infoWindow.open(map, marker); 

張貼的代碼包含語法錯誤:'未捕獲的SyntaxError:意外的標記else'。你應該解決這些問題。你的HTML/CSS是什麼樣的? – geocodezip



你的代碼中有語法錯誤 1.只能有在if ... else if ... else ...聲明一個else。 2.傳遞給document.getElementById()的字符串必須與實際的DOM元素ID相匹配,您的空間中有額外的空間。

proof of concept fiddle


// * 
// * Two maps on the same page, expanded to three 
// * 2015 - en.marnoto.com 
// * 

// necessary variables 
var mapLeft, mapRight, mapThree; 
var infoWindowLeft, infoWindowRight, infoWindowThree; 

// markersData variable stores the information necessary to each marker 
var markersDataLeft = [{ 
    lat: 40.6486333, 
    lng: -8.745, 
    name: "Camping Praia do Farol", 
    address1: "Rua Diogo Cão, 125", 
    address2: "Praia da Barra", 
    postalCode: "3830-772 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
    }, { 
    lat: 40.54955, 
    lng: -8.7498167, 
    name: "Camping Costa Velha", 
    address1: "Quinta dos Patos, n.º 2", 
    address2: "Praia da Costa Nova", 
    postalCode: "3830-453 Gafanha da Encarnação" // don't insert comma in  the last item of each marker 
    }, { 
    lat: 40.6447167, 
    lng: -8.7129167, 
    name: "Camping Gafanha da Boavista", 
    address1: "Rua dos Balneários do Complexo Desportivo", 
    address2: "Gafanha da Nazaré", 
    postalCode: "3830-225 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the last item of each marker 
    } // don't insert comma in the last item 

var markersDataRight = [{ 
    lat: 40.6386333, 
    lng: -8.745, 
    name: "Camping Praia da Barra", 
    address1: "Rua Diogo Cão, 125", 
    address2: "Praia da Barra", 
    postalCode: "3830-772 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the last item of each marker 
    }, { 
    lat: 40.59955, 
    lng: -8.7498167, 
    name: "Camping Costa Nova", 
    address1: "Quinta dos Patos, n.º 2", 
    address2: "Praia da Costa Nova", 
    postalCode: "3830-453 Gafanha da Encarnação" // don't insert comma in  the last item of each marker 
    }, { 
    lat: 40.6247167, 
    lng: -8.7129167, 
    name: "Camping Gafanha da Nazaré", 
    address1: "Rua dos Balneários do Complexo Desportivo", 
    address2: "Gafanha da Nazaré", 
    postalCode: "3830-225 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
    } // don't insert comma in the last item 


var markersDataThree = [{ 
    lat: 40.6386333, 
    lng: -8.745, 
    name: "Camping Praia da Barra", 
    address1: "Rua Diogo Cão, 125", 
    address2: "Praia da Barra", 
    postalCode: "3830-772 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
    }, { 
    lat: 40.59955, 
    lng: -8.7498167, 
    name: "Camping Costa Nova", 
    address1: "Quinta dos Patos, n.º 2", 
    address2: "Praia da Costa Nova", 
    postalCode: "3830-453 Gafanha da Encarnação" // don't insert comma in  the last item of each marker 
    }, { 
    lat: 40.6247167, 
    lng: -8.7129167, 
    name: "Camping Gafanha da Nazaré", 
    address1: "Rua dos Balneários do Complexo Desportivo", 
    address2: "Gafanha da Nazaré", 
    postalCode: "3830-225 Gafanha da Nazaré" // don't insert comma in the  last item of each marker 
    } // don't insert comma in the last item 


function initialize(setMap) { 

    var mapOptions; 

    if (setMap == "mapLeft") { 
    mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.601203, -8.668173), 
     zoom: 11, 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap', 

    mapLeft = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas-left'), mapOptions); 

    // a new Info Window is created 
    infoWindowLeft = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

    // Event that closes the Info Window with a click on the map 
    google.maps.event.addListener(mapLeft, 'click', function() { 

    } else if (setMap == "mapRight") { 

    mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.601203, -8.668173), 
     zoom: 9, 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap', 

    mapRight = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas-right'), mapOptions); 

    // a new Info Window is created 
    infoWindowRight = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

    // Event that closes the Info Window with a click on the map 
    google.maps.event.addListener(mapRight, 'click', function() { 

    } else if (setMap == "mapThree") { 

    mapOptions = { 
     center: new google.maps.LatLng(40.601203, -8.668173), 
     zoom: 7, 
     mapTypeId: 'roadmap', 

    mapThree = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas-three'), mapOptions); 

    // a new Info Window is created 
    infoWindowThree = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); 

    // Event that closes the Info Window with a click on the map 
    google.maps.event.addListener(mapThree, 'click', function() { 

    // Finally displayMarkers() function is called to begin the markers  creation 

    // Create second map only when initialize function is called for the  first time. 
    // Second time setMap is equal to mapRight, so this condition returns  false and it will not run 
    if (setMap == "mapLeft") { 
    } else if (setMap == "mapRight") { 

google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', function() { 


// This function will iterate over markersData array 
// creating markers with createMarker function 
function displayMarkers(setMap) { 

    var markersData; 
    var map; 

    if (setMap == "mapLeft") { 
    markersData = markersDataLeft; 
    map = mapLeft; 
    } else if (setMap == "mapRight") { 
    markersData = markersDataRight; 
    map = mapRight; 
    } else { 
    markersData = markersDataThree; 
    map = mapThree; 
    // this variable sets the map bounds according to markers position 
    var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); 

    // for loop traverses markersData array calling createMarker function for  each marker 
    for (var i = 0; i < markersData.length; i++) { 

    var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(markersData[i].lat, markersData[i].lng); 
    var name = markersData[i].name; 
    var address1 = markersData[i].address1; 
    var address2 = markersData[i].address2; 
    var postalCode = markersData[i].postalCode; 

    createMarker(setMap, latlng, name, address1, address2, postalCode); 

    // marker position is added to bounds variable 

    // Finally the bounds variable is used to set the map bounds 
    // with fitBounds() function 

// This function creates each marker and it sets their Info Window content 
function createMarker(setMap, latlng, name, address1, address2, postalCode) { 

    var map; 
    var infoWindow; 

    if (setMap == "mapLeft") { 
    map = mapLeft; 
    infoWindow = infoWindowLeft; 
    } else if (setMap == "mapRight") { 
    map = mapRight; 
    infoWindow = infoWindowRight; 
    } else { 
    map = mapThree; 
    infoWindow = infoWindowThree; 

    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
    map: map, 
    position: latlng, 
    title: name 

    // This event expects a click on a marker 
    // When this event is fired the Info Window content is created 
    // and the Info Window is opened. 
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { 

    // Creating the content to be inserted in the infowindow 
    var iwContent = '<div id="iw_container">' + 
     '<div class="iw_title">' + name + '</div>' + 
     '<div class="iw_content">' + address1 + '<br />' + 
     address2 + '<br />' + 
     postalCode + '</div></div>'; 

    // including content to the Info Window. 

    // opening the Info Window in the current map and at the current marker location. 
    infoWindow.open(map, marker); 
html { 
    height: 100%; 
body { 
    height: 100%; 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 
.container { 
    width: 100%; 
    display: flex; 
#map-canvas-three { 
    height: 250px; 
    width: 550px; 
#iw_container .iw_title { 
    font-size: 16px; 
    font-weight: bold; 
.iw_content { 
    padding: 15px 15px 15px 0; 
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=geometry,places&ext=.js"></script> 
<div class="container"> 
    <div id="map-canvas-left"></div> 
    <div id="map-canvas-right"></div> 
    <div id="map-canvas-three"></div> 