img.AllowDrop = true;
img.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += this.MouseLeftButtonDown;
img.PreviewMouseMove += this.MouseMove;
img.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp += this.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp;
private object movingObject;
private double firstXPos, firstYPos;
private void MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
// In this event, we get the current mouse position on the control to use it in the MouseMove event.
Image img = sender as Image;
Canvas canvas = img.Parent as Canvas;
firstXPos = e.GetPosition(img).X;
firstYPos = e.GetPosition(img).Y;
movingObject = sender;
// Put the image currently being dragged on top of the others
int top = Canvas.GetZIndex(img);
foreach (Image child in canvas.Children)
if (top < Canvas.GetZIndex(child))
top = Canvas.GetZIndex(child);
Canvas.SetZIndex(img, top + 1);
private void PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) {
Image img = sender as Image;
Canvas canvas = img.Parent as Canvas;
movingObject = null;
// Put the image currently being dragged on top of the others
int top = Canvas.GetZIndex(img);
foreach (Image child in canvas.Children)
if (top > Canvas.GetZIndex(child))
top = Canvas.GetZIndex(child);
Canvas.SetZIndex(img, top + 1);
private void MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed && sender == movingObject) {
Image img = sender as Image;
Canvas canvas = img.Parent as Canvas;
double newLeft = e.GetPosition(canvas).X - firstXPos - canvas.Margin.Left;
// newLeft inside canvas right-border?
if (newLeft > canvas.Margin.Left + canvas.ActualWidth - img.ActualWidth)
newLeft = canvas.Margin.Left + canvas.ActualWidth - img.ActualWidth;
// newLeft inside canvas left-border?
else if (newLeft < canvas.Margin.Left)
newLeft = canvas.Margin.Left;
img.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, newLeft);
double newTop = e.GetPosition(canvas).Y - firstYPos - canvas.Margin.Top;
// newTop inside canvas bottom-border?
if (newTop > canvas.Margin.Top + canvas.ActualHeight - img.ActualHeight)
newTop = canvas.Margin.Top + canvas.ActualHeight - img.ActualHeight;
// newTop inside canvas top-border?
else if (newTop < canvas.Margin.Top)
newTop = canvas.Margin.Top;
img.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, newTop);
- 修正了一個小錯誤在我的形象的鼠標滑動時,我拖累他們身邊快速。這種情況經常發生,即使我甚至沒有快速移動拖動圖像。
- 使其能夠一次拖放多個圖像,最好先選擇多個圖像,然後拖放並拖放圖像,在帆布內停留時,將其全部放入其中。
您需要將鼠標鎖定到圖像上以停止光標滑動Mouse.Capture(imageReference),您可以使用Mouse.Capture(null)在鼠標上釋放它(安裝) – Andy
@Andy非常感謝,這解決了我的問題!在下面添加它作爲答案。 –