2017-03-28 49 views


interface IMyInterface 
    string iMessage(); 

public class C1 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     double interests = 0.0; 
     double years = 0.0; 
     double loan_amount = 0.0; 
     double interest_rate = 0.0; 

     Console.Write("Enter Loan Amount:$ "); 
     loan_amount = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); 
     Console.Write("Enter Number of Years: "); 
     years = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); 
     Console.Write("Enter Interest Rate: "); 
     interest_rate = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); 
     interests = loan_amount * interest_rate * years; 
     Console.WriteLine("\nThe total interests is {0}", interests); 


    public string iMessage() 
     return Console.WriteLine("Be Ready!"); 

class Program 


嗯,你的類不聲明它實現此刻的接口,而你根本沒有創建類的實例,或參考界面。另外,'Console.WriteLine'是一個無效的方法,所以你不能在像這樣的返回語句中使用它... –


不管Jon Skeet如何說,都要把它作爲法則。 –


或者,您可以在發佈之前嘗試調試您的代碼,而不必浪費Jon Skeet的時間。 – Jodrell



對此是否有幫助? See it working here.

using System; 

public class Program 
    // Here we instantiate or construct a new instance of ThingWithMessage 
    // but we refer to it as thing of type IMyInterface, 
    // this works because ThingWithMessage implements IMyInterface. 
    // Then we use the interface implementation to get a message and 
    // write it to the console. 
    public static void Main() 
     IMyInterface thing = new ThingWithMessage(); 

// This defines a type, or contract that classes can implement 
interface IMyInterface 
    string GetMessage(); 

// This is a class that implements the IMyInterface interface 
// effectively, it makes a promise to keep the contract 
// specified by IMyInterface. 
class ThingWithMessage : IMyInterface 
    public string GetMessage() 
     return "yes, this works."; 

是的這個固定它。感謝您花時間幫助我。 – Shade


@Shade,嘿,我只是想記起剛開始的樣子。 – Jodrell


感謝您也解釋它。它使你更容易理解你的解釋。 – Shade



interface IMyInterface 
    double Calculate(); 

class MyCalculationLogics : IMyInterface 
    public double Calculate(double loan_amount, double years, double interest_rate) 
     return loan_amount * interest_rate * years; 

public class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     // Get the values from the user 

     IMyInterface myCalc = new MyCalculationLogics(); 
     interests = myCalc.Calculate(loan_amount, years, interest_rate); 

     Console.WriteLine("\nThe total interests is {0}", interests); 