customPing("www.google.com", 10, 2, 1);
void customPing(char *url, int test_interval,int samplesPerTest, int testDuration)
printf("-->%s %d(sec) %d %d(hrs)\n", url, test_interval, samplesPerTest, testDuration);
int durationInProgress = 0,
durationInSeconds = testDuration * 10,
n = samplesPerTest;
char pingCmd[80];
char filename[10];
FILE *fptr;
sprintf(filename, "pingResult%d.txt", fileCounter++);
fptr = fopen(filename, "a");
sprintf(pingCmd, "ping -n %d %s >> %s ", n, url,filename);
printf("ping command: %s\n", pingCmd);
while (durationInProgress <= durationInSeconds)
durationInProgress += test_interval;
printf("Going to sleep...\n");
fptr = fopen(filename, "a");
1. Enter url: www.google.ca
2. Enter Testing-Interval(10 sec, 20 sec, etc): 10
3. Test Samples per test (10, 100 etc): 2
4. Start test (yes/no): yes
4. Test Duration (1 hr, 24 hrs, etc) 1
***Test Starting***
-->www.google.com 10(sec) 2 1(hrs)
ping command: ping -n 2 www.google.com >> pingResult0.txt
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Going to sleep...
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Going to sleep...
Press any key to continue . . .
什麼我做錯了任何想法? ? 我使用Visual Studio 2008,Win Vista。(如果有幫助) 謝謝。
而是平的輸出定向到一個文件,然後讀取文件的,爲什麼不直接使用'popen'管道結果從平直接回父? – 2011-03-30 23:42:03