import java.util.Scanner;將字符串轉換爲int並將其相乘
公共類predictStockMarket {
public static void main(String args[]){
int openingPrice;
int currentPrice;
int numberOfStocks;
String buyOrSell;
Scanner number=new Scanner(System.in);
Scanner text=new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("What is the Opening Price? ");//Asking for the opening price
openingPrice=number.nextInt(); //storing into current price variable
System.out.println("What is the Current Price? ");//Asking for the Current Price
currentPrice=number.nextInt(); //storing into current price variable
System.out.println("Do you want to buy or sell? ");//Asking if they want to buy or sell
if (buyOrSell.equalsIgnoreCase("buy")){
System.out.println("How many stock do you want to buy ");//Asking the user for hours per week
int i;
i = (buyNumber*currentPrice)-(openingPrice*buyNumber);
else {
System.out.println("How many stock do you want to sell");
int i;
i = (sellNumber*currentPrice)-(openingPrice*sellNumber);
極其混亂,我認爲把一個局部變量將使它的整數。 使用Jgrasp
嗯,是的,您沒有爲'buyOrSell'分配任何值。當你將它與「買」進行比較時,你期望它有什麼價值?你確實意識到你已*註釋掉了否則會分配一個值的行,對嗎? –