在一個較早的WinForms應用程序中,這工作,但在WPF中它只會移動該項目一次,唯一當前的解決方法是將其保存到後端數據庫,再次打開並移動一個空間。列表項由一個DataTableWPF列表框 - 上下移動項目
Private Sub Reports_BalanceSheet_ListBoxMoveUp(LB As ListBox, DT As DataTable, DisplayName As String, Optional MasterListBox As ListBox = Nothing)
Dim StartIndex As Integer = LB.SelectedIndex
Dim CatID As Integer = 0
'Update the datasource
Dim SR() As DataRow
If DisplayName = "Name" Then
SR = DT.Select("ID > 0 AND FormID = " & Form_ID, Nothing)
CatID = MasterListBox.SelectedValue
'Check that the positions are correct
If DataChanged = False Then
Dim vRowID As Integer = 0
For Each Row As DataRow In DT.Rows
If Row("FormID") = Form_ID And Row("CatID") = CatID Then
Row("Position") = vRowID
vRowID += 1
End If
End If
SR = DT.Select("ID > 0 AND FormID = " & Form_ID & " AND CatID = " & CatID, "Position")
End If
Dim vString As String = ""
Dim vUpperID As Integer = 0
Dim vCurrentID As Integer = 0
For Each Row As DataRow In SR
Dim vPos As Integer = Row("Position")
If vPos = StartIndex - 1 Then
vUpperID = Row("ID")
End If
If vPos = StartIndex Then
vCurrentID = Row("ID")
End If
If Not vUpperID = 0 And Not vCurrentID = 0 Then
DT.Select("ID = " & vUpperID)(0)("Position") = StartIndex
DT.Select("ID = " & vCurrentID)(0)("Position") = StartIndex - 1
If DisplayName = "Name" Then
DT.DefaultView.RowFilter = "FormID = " & Form_ID
DT.DefaultView.RowFilter = "FormID = " & Form_ID & " AND CatID = " & CatID
End If
DT.DefaultView.Sort = "Position"
DT = DT.DefaultView.ToTable
With LB
.SelectedValuePath = "ID"
.DisplayMemberPath = DisplayName
.ItemsSource = DT.DefaultView
.SelectedValue = vCurrentID
End With
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub