2013-04-09 15 views



//Calcking tSize 
tSize = (int)(items*tSizeFactor); 

//Making tSize prime 


while(line != null) { 
       //Getting the address to place the value in 
       position = hash(line.toCharArray(), (int)tSize); 

       //If there is something there we enter the if statement 
       if(hashTable[position][0] != null) { 
        //while we haven't found a spot and i < tableSize we update the last position we were at and move through the array 
        for(int i = 1; i < (int)tSize && hashTable[position][0] != null; i++) { 
         //prevPosition is used to update the link in the spot just before our final destination, allows wrap around in the array 
         prevPosition = position; 
         //we add +i to the original position and modulo the table size allowing wrap around in the array 
         position = (position+i)%(int)tSize; 
        //finally when we found a spot we update the previous position to link to the new item 
        hashTable[prevPosition][1] = Integer.toString(position); 

       //Adding the values to the hash table and setting the link to -1 
       hashTable[position][0] = new String(line); 
       hashTable[position][1] = new String(Integer.toString(-1)); 

       line = reader.readLine(); 

public static int hash(char ch[],final int TSIZE) { 
     int sum = 7; 
     for(int i = 0; i < ch.length; i++) { 
      sum = sum*31+ch[i]; 
      sum <<= 3; 

     if(sum < 0) 
      sum *= -1; 

     return sum%TSIZE; 

我不知道300是一個測試用例* *龐大的數字。 – 2013-04-09 22:51:37


除非你的文件中充滿了諸如「Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon」這樣的詞,300並不是那麼多。 – ApproachingDarknessFish 2013-04-09 22:54:34


「有問題」有什麼問題? – leonbloy 2013-04-09 22:56:10




while(line != null) { 
        //Getting the address to place the value in 
        position = hash(line.toCharArray(), (int)tSize); 

        //If there is something there we enter the if statement 
        if(hashTable[position][0] != null) { 

         //Go to the end of the chain 
         while(hashTable[position][1].compareTo("-1") != 0) 
          position = Integer.parseInt(hashTable[position][1]); 

         //Save the position of the end of the chain 
         prevPosition = position; 

         //while we haven't found a spot and i < tableSize we update the last position we were at and move through the array 
         for(int i = 1; i < (int)tSize && hashTable[position][0] != null; i++) { 
          //we add +i to the original position and modulo the table size allowing wrap around in the array 
          position = (position+i)%(int)tSize; 
          System.out.println("Position: " + position); 

         //finally when we found a spot we update the previous position to link to the new item 
         hashTable[prevPosition][1] = Integer.toString(position); 

        //Adding the values to the hash table and setting the link to -1 
        hashTable[position][0] = new String(line); 
        hashTable[position][1] = new String(Integer.toString(-1)); 

        line = reader.readLine(); 
  1. 新的字符串(行)是沒用的。

  2. 對(INT I = 1;!我<(int)的t大小& & hashTable中[位置] [0] = NULL;我++)


  3. prevPosition可以是本地的if(hashTable[position][0] != null) {塊。

  4. 存儲上一個哈希表的位置看起來沒用。


  5. 位置=(位置+ⅰ)%(INT)t大小;

試試這個 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratic_probing


我想你誤解了你的項目3發生了什麼事情。在外循環中選擇了新行,所以需要計算新的散列值。 「位置」就是那個新的散列值,模表大小。 – 2013-04-10 01:12:34


關於第2項,大概意圖是創建查找例程可以使用的哈希同義詞鏈。 – 2013-04-10 01:14:27




  • 你有一個tSize,我認爲這是散列表的容量。但是我沒有看到你何時增加它。這將是問題,至少是性能問題。但在你的暗示中,這是功能性問題。例如,如果你的tSize是100,那麼你的散列表中可以有最多100個元素。

  • 採取循環看看這個:

    for(int i = 1; i < (int)tSize && hashTable[position][0] != null; i++) { 
        prevPosition = position; 
        position = (hash(line.toCharArray(), (int)tSize)+i)%((int)tSize); 


  • 由於上述兩點。當你的哈希表已滿時,你的代碼只是覆蓋最後一個元素。