2010-02-18 57 views

我正在編寫一個應用程序,作爲它的一部分,在Logitech G15v2鍵盤的LCD上繪製圖像。對於大部分功能工作正常,但經過一段時間的運行後,該行之一拋出一個「Generic Error in GDI+GDI +調用Bitmap.getHBitmap()時發生通用錯誤


at System.Drawing.Bitmap.GetHbitmap(Color background) 
at System.Drawing.Bitmap.GetHbitmap() 
    at CSCI171_TermProject.G15.Tick(Single Interval) in C:\Users\Sukasa\CSCI171\Term Project\CSCI171-TermProject\G15.vb:line 45" 

我已經讀了幾條提到這個錯誤的線索,但是這是在節省文件的情況下,沒有得到其關聯的HBitmap。對GDI +有更多經驗的人能比我提供任何想法來解釋導致這個問題的原因嗎?


Public Module G15 
    Private G15 As New G15Lib.G15Interface 
    Private G15BaseImage As New Bitmap("GFX\G15-BGImg.png") 
    Private G15Minimap As New Bitmap(43, 43, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) 
    Private G15HeartMonitor As New Bitmap(44, 17, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) 
    Private G15Heartbeat As New Bitmap("GFX\G15-HB.png") 
    Private G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(G15BaseImage) 
    Private G15On As Boolean = False 

    Public Sub Init() 
     If Not G15.G15Detected Then 
      Log.Write("Get extra content by connecting a G15") 
     End If 
     G15On = True 
     G15.LCD.showBitmap(G15BaseImage.GetHbitmap, 1) 
     Log.Write("Logitech G15 Features Enabled") 
    End Sub 

    Public Sub Tick(ByVal Interval As Single) 
     Const StepTime As Single = 0.09 
     If Not G15On Then Return 

     Static HeartTime As Single = StepTime 
     HeartTime -= Interval 
     If HeartTime <= 0 Then 
      HeartTime = StepTime 
     End If 


     G.DrawImage(G15Minimap, New Rectangle(0, 0, 43, 43), New Rectangle(0, 0, 43, 43), GraphicsUnit.Pixel) 
     G.DrawImage(G15HeartMonitor, New Rectangle(116, 0, 44, 17), New Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 17), GraphicsUnit.Pixel) 

      G15.LCD.showBitmap(G15BaseImage.GetHbitmap, 1) 
     Catch ex As Exception 
      G15On = False 
      Log.Write("GDI+ Error in G15 renderer") 
      Log.Write("G15 features disabled") 
     End Try 

    End Sub 

    Public Sub AnimateHeartbeat() 
     Static G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(G15HeartMonitor) 
     Static BMTemp As New Bitmap(44, 17, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb) 
     Static GTemp As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(BMTemp) 
     Dim Columns As Integer = 13 + ((PlayerActor.HPMax - PlayerActor.iHP)/PlayerActor.HPMax) * 20 
     Static ColumnIndex As Integer = 0 

     GTemp.DrawImage(G15HeartMonitor, New Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 17), New Rectangle(1, 0, 44, 17), GraphicsUnit.Pixel) 
     G.DrawImage(BMTemp, New Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 17), New Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 17), GraphicsUnit.Pixel) 

     G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 43, 0, 43, 17) 

     If ColumnIndex >= Columns Then 
      ColumnIndex = 0 
     End If 

     G.DrawImage(G15Heartbeat, New Rectangle(43, 4, 1, 8), New Rectangle(If(PlayerActor.iHP > 0, Math.Min(ColumnIndex, 7), 7), 0, 1, 8), GraphicsUnit.Pixel) 

     ColumnIndex += 1 
    End Sub 

    Public Sub MakeMinimap() 
     Static oPos As New XYPos(0, 0) 
     Dim iActorIndice As Int32 = 0 

     For Y = -21 To 21 
      For X = -21 To 21 

       G15Minimap.SetPixel(X + 21, Y + 21, Color.Black) 
       oPos.X = X + PlayerActor.PositionX 
       oPos.Y = Y + PlayerActor.PositionY 
       If oPos.Y < 0 OrElse oPos.X < 0 OrElse oPos.X >= iMapSize OrElse oPos.Y >= iMapSize Then 
        G15Minimap.SetPixel(X + 21, Y + 21, Color.Black) 
        Continue For 
       End If 
       If Main.Map.arrAccessiblityMap(oPos.AsOffset) Then 
        G15Minimap.SetPixel(X + 21, Y + 21, Color.White) 
        G15Minimap.SetPixel(X + 21, Y + 21, Color.Black) 
       End If 

       For iActorIndice = iActorIndice To genActors.Count - 1 
        Dim oActor As Actor = genActors(iActorIndice) 
        If oPos.Y > oActor.PositionY Then 
         Continue For 
        ElseIf oPos.Y < oActor.PositionY Then 
         Exit For 
        ElseIf oPos.Y = oActor.PositionY AndAlso oPos.X < oActor.PositionX Then 
         Exit For 
        End If 
        If oPos.X = oActor.PositionX AndAlso oPos.Y = oActor.PositionY Then 
         G15Minimap.SetPixel(X + 21, Y + 21, Color.Black) 
        End If 

    End Sub 
End Module 



我會通過確保.Dispose()正確調用上的圖形和位圖對象開始了。 (我不明白所有那些靜力學的目的 - 但這是另一回事)。


.Dispose()不在任何Bitmap對象的圖形上調用,但這是因爲在程序的整個生命週期中,它們都沒有被銷燬,所以我沒有理由調用它。 – Sukasa 2010-02-18 15:30:40


其實我會繼續前進,並將您的答案標記爲正確的,因爲考慮這個問題後,我指出了一些您沒有提到但是類似的東西:我沒有刪除GDI HBitmap對象! – Sukasa 2010-02-18 15:46:05


Thnx! (我正在考慮AnimateHeartbeat中的三個對象!) – 2010-02-19 08:58:52
