2010-07-27 17 views


//main path to resources 
$resources = dirname(__DIR__); 
//$root = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)); 
$root = dirname($resources); 

//configuration array to hold 
//vital information 
$config = array(
    "db" => array(
      "username" => null, 
      "password" => null, 
      "host" => null, 
      "database" => null 
    "directories" => array(
      "document_root" => $root, 
      "site_root" => $root . '/public_html', 
      "resources" => $resources, 
      "templates" => $resources . '/templates', 
      "library" => $resources . '/library', 
      "views" => $resources . '/views', 
      "controllers" => $resources . '/controllers', 
      "backups" => $resources . '/backups', 
      "admin" => $resources . '/admin' 
    "pages" => array(
     "index" => array(
      "title" => "Welcome, you can order your tickets to St. Tom's 
       Ambulance annual ball here", 
      "headers" => array("introduction", "the process", "start"), 
      "views" => array("/index.form.view.php", "/index.data.view.php", 
     "login" => array(
      "title" => "Log in here so as to place your order.", 
      "headers" => array("log in", "guests' details", "choose seats"), 
      "views" => array("/login.view.php", "/guests.view.php", 
     "amend" => array(
      "title" => "Amend your order here.", 
      "headers" => array("enter order no.", "available seats", 
       "amend seats"), 
      "views" => array("/amend.view.form.php", 
       "/table.select.amend.view.php", "/amend.view.side.php") 
     "menus" => array(
      "title" => "Select your menus and checkout here.", 
      "headers" => array("view menus", "select menus", 
       "check out"), 
      "views" => array("/menus.see.view.php", 
       "/menus.select.view.php", "/checkout.view.php") 
     "message" => array(
      "title" => "Information about your order." 
     "amend_message" => array(
      "title" => "Information about your ammendment." 
    "month" => array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", 
     "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"), 
    "ticket_price" => 30, 
    "year_limit" => (2010 - 13), 
    "event_dateTime" => '2010-11-20 19:00:00' 

require_once($config['directories']['library']. "/class/FormDB.php"); 

$form = new FormDB($config["db"]["host"], 

那麼你真的在哪裏改變配置文件的內容? – NullUserException 2010-07-27 13:57:25


這段代碼沒有顯示。然而,通過檢查$ _SESSION ['db']是否存在,我從表單輸入中創建一個$ _SESSION ['db'],然後將它傳遞給config.php文件中的$ config ['db']。問題是,當我訪問長網址http:// localhost/...的網站時,這起作用,但是當我嘗試從虛擬主機http://st.ambulance/...訪問網站時它不再工作了。 – Fortisimo 2010-07-27 14:17:44



沒有代碼來改變config.php文件本身,這可能是問題所在。通常問題是配置文件的權限 - 如果它是服務器可配置的(使用表單或其他方式),文件的權限必須允許。

您還可以嘗試一個我寫回來的小型庫,以更結構化的方式管理腳本的配置 - SQLconf