我嘗試從android模擬器中更改網絡類型。從官方的android文檔(https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator-commandline.html),我想用網絡來改變LTE/UMTS/GPRS網絡類型。我從上一個Android Studio 2.2創建一個新的模擬器,並使用telnet連接。我運行help命令(認證後),我得到:模擬器中缺少網絡參數
Android console command help:
help|h|? print a list of commands
crash crash the emulator instance
kill kill the emulator instance
quit|exit quit control session
redir manage port redirections
power power related commands
event simulate hardware events
avd control virtual device execution
finger manage emulator fingerprint
geo Geo-location commands
sms SMS related commands
cdma CDMA related commands
gsm GSM related commands
rotate rotate the screen by 90 degrees