2015-12-08 72 views

處理模式匹配問題。併發布詳細的問題陳述和代碼。代碼正在工作。在下面的實現中,它在外部循環中循環模式,然後在內部循環中匹配源字符串 - 以構建二維DP表。模式匹配動態規劃建議



for i in range(1, len(p) + 1): 
     for j in range(1, len(s) + 1): 


for i in range(1, len(s) + 1): 
     for j in range(1, len(p) + 1): 





bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p)

isMatch( 「AA」, 「A」)→假
isMatch( 「AA」, 「AA」)→真
isMatch( 「AAA」, 「AA」)→假
isMatch( 「AA」, 「A *」)→真
isMatch( 「AA」, 「* 」)→真
isMatch(「 AB」, 「。*」)→true
isMatch(「aab」 「C * A * B」)→真

class Solution(object): 

    def isMatch(self, s, p): 
     # The DP table and the string s and p use the same indexes i and j, but 
     # table[i][j] means the match status between p[:i] and s[:j], i.e. 
     # table[0][0] means the match status of two empty strings, and 
     # table[1][1] means the match status of p[0] and s[0]. Therefore, when 
     # refering to the i-th and the j-th characters of p and s for updating 
     # table[i][j], we use p[i - 1] and s[j - 1]. 

     # Initialize the table with False. The first row is satisfied. 
     table = [[False] * (len(s) + 1) for _ in range(len(p) + 1)] 

     # Update the corner case of matching two empty strings. 
     table[0][0] = True 

     # Update the corner case of when s is an empty string but p is not. 
     # Since each '*' can eliminate the charter before it, the table is 
     # vertically updated by the one before previous. [test_symbol_0] 
     for i in range(2, len(p) + 1): 
      table[i][0] = table[i - 2][0] and p[i - 1] == '*' 

     for i in range(1, len(p) + 1): 
      for j in range(1, len(s) + 1): 
       if p[i - 1] != "*": 
        # Update the table by referring the diagonal element. 
        table[i][j] = table[i - 1][j - 1] and \ 
            (p[i - 1] == s[j - 1] or p[i - 1] == '.') 
        # Eliminations (referring to the vertical element) 
        # Either refer to the one before previous or the previous. 
        # I.e. * eliminate the previous or count the previous. 
        # [test_symbol_1] 
        table[i][j] = table[i - 2][j] or table[i - 1][j] 

        # Propagations (referring to the horizontal element) 
        # If p's previous one is equal to the current s, with 
        # helps of *, the status can be propagated from the left. 
        # [test_symbol_2] 
        if p[i - 2] == s[j - 1] or p[i - 2] == '.': 
         table[i][j] |= table[i][j - 1] 

     return table[-1][-1] 

在此先感謝, 林


爲什麼你不使用正則表達式? – fgoettel


@deloz,這只是一個DP編程難題。您的建議在我的原始問題上表示讚賞。 :) –




for i in range(1, len(s) + 1): 
     for j in range(1, len(p) + 1): 
      if p[j - 1] != "*": 
       # Update the table by referring the diagonal element. 
       table[j][i] = table[j - 1][i - 1] and \ 
           (p[j - 1] == s[i - 1] or p[j - 1] == '.') 
       # Eliminations (referring to the vertical element) 
       # Either refer to the one before previous or the previous. 
       # I.e. * eliminate the previous or count the previous. 
       # [test_symbol_1] 
       table[j][i] = table[j - 2][i] or table[j - 1][i] 

       # Propagations (referring to the horizontal element) 
       # If p's previous one is equal to the current s, with 
       # helps of *, the status can be propagated from the left. 
       # [test_symbol_2] 
       if p[j - 2] == s[i - 1] or p[j - 2] == '.': 
        table[j][i] |= table[j][i - 1] 

原始算法填充table行接一行(第一行1,則2,3,...)。交換後,該表將逐列填充(第一列,然後是2,3 ...)。



因此,性能交換後是相同的。在兩個版本中,每個table元素的計算都需要一個恆定的時間。構建table的總時間爲O(len(s) * len(p))


讓我們來看原始版本。乍一看,當i = 1table[i - 2][j]p[i - 2]似乎在兩個地方有索引問題。

但是,Python將索引-1解釋爲最後一個元素。因此,table[-1][j]是指最後一行table,其中所有元素均爲False。因此,table[1][j] = table[-1][j] or table[0][j]相當於table[1][j] = table[0][j]

對於p[-1],請注意,您只能在if-聲明中訪問它,此時p[0] = *(對匹配沒有意義)。 p[-1]的值不重要,因爲它不會影響table[i][j]的值。要看到這個結果:如果if -statement的結果恰好是True,我們知道table[1][0]最初是False,所以table[1][1],table[1][2],...也必須是False。換句話說,p[0] = *不會匹配任何字符串。


感謝dejvuth,你能否總結功能和性能是一樣的? –


順便說一句,dejvuth,不知道你的代碼是否有這個語句的問題,'p [j - 2] =='。',假設當j == 1,j - 2是-1時,它可能不是你想?謝謝。 –


@LinMa查看編輯 – dejvuth