2016-01-05 202 views

我試圖運行一個簡單的程序並行運行。我想將它基於二叉樹。根據我想要將工作分配給所有處理器的處理器數量,以便程序並行運行。使用遞歸,我正在檢查是否還有1個或2個處理器,如果有,我使用OpenMP sections來運行它。但是,它使用的內核越多,算法越慢,我不明白爲什麼。我試圖儘可能自我解釋地編寫代碼。OpenMP - 二叉樹

void fun1(int tab[], int pocz, int kon, int threadsLeft) 
    if (threadsLeft == 2) 
     #pragma omp parallel num_threads(2) 
      #pragma omp sections nowait 
       #pragma omp section 
        for (int i = pocz; i < kon/2; i++) 
         tab[i] = 1; 

       #pragma omp section 
        for(int i = kon/2 + 1; i < kon; i++) 
         tab[i] = 0; 
    else if (threadsLeft == 1) 
     #pragma omp parallel num_threads(1) 
      #pragma omp sections nowait 
       #pragma omp section 
        for (int i = pocz; i < kon; i++) 
         tab[i] = 2; 
     fun1(tab, pocz, kon/2, threadsLeft/2); 
     fun1(tab, kon - kon/2, kon, threadsLeft - threadsLeft/2); 

int main() 
    int allThreads = omp_get_num_threads(); 
    int N = 200000000; 
    int* tab = new int[N]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) 
     tab[i] = 0; 
    fun1(tab, 0, N, allThreads); 

您的問題標題對理解問題沒有幫助;請查看[問]然後[編輯]它更具描述性。 – Mogsdad





第二個問題是你有一個遞歸問題,這個問題適合於任務並行。 OpenMP sections最好與常數先驗已知數量的部分一起使用。 OpenMP tasks旨在處理遞歸問題,其中任務的數量不一定是已知的。例如,請查看basic tutorial。請注意,您的編譯器必須支持OpenMP 3.0才能正常工作。

把這些都在一起,你的新#pragma omp tasks代碼應該看起來像如下:

void fun1(int tab[], int pocz, int kon, int threadsLeft) 
    if (threadsLeft <= 1) { 
     for (int i = pocz; i < kon; i++) 
      tab[i] = 2; // should make this constant something else to be more helpful 
     #pragma omp task 
     fun1(tab, pocz, kon/2, threadsLeft/2); 
     #pragma omp task 
     fun1(tab, kon - kon/2, kon, threadsLeft - threadsLeft/2); 
     #pragma omp taskwait 

int main() 

    int N = 200000000; 
    int* tab = new int[N]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) 
     tab[i] = 0; 

    #pragma omp parallel 
    // Only the first thread will spawn other threads 
    #pragma omp single nowait 
     int allThreads = omp_get_num_threads(); 
     fun1(tab, 0, N, allThreads); 




謝謝你,這是非常有益的! – user2443194