// below is my data layout -
// data key type which is 1 byte
// data key len which is 1 byte
// data key (variable size which is a key_len)
// timestamp (sizeof uint64_t)
// data size (sizeof uint16_t)
// data (variable size = data size)
於是我開始喜歡這一點,但我有一些困惑,從而卡住了 -
// data layout
byte dataKeyType = 101;
byte dataKeyLength = 3;
// not sure how to represent key here
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); // which is 64 bit
short dataSize = 320; // what does this mean? it means size of data is 320 bytes?
// and now confuse as well how to represent data here, we can have any string data which can be converted to bytes
// and then make final byte array out of that
感謝gharma的幫助。你能解釋我如何計算'totalSize'嗎?只是有點混淆。 – john 2014-10-19 05:34:15
totalSize應該等於最終byteArray中的總字節數。因此,keyType爲1個字節,keyLength爲1個字節,密鑰爲個字節,時間戳爲8個字節,dataSize爲2個字節,數據爲個字節。 –
2014-10-20 03:15:25