2015-07-13 45 views




namespace App\Libraries; 

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; 

abstract class basicUser extends model 
    protected $table = 'users'; 

    * The attributes that are mass assignable. 
    * @var array 
    protected $fillable = array('name', 'email'); 

    * The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form. 
    * @var array 
    protected $hidden = array('remember_token', 'password'); 

    * The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form. 
    * @var array 
    protected $guarded = array(); 

    public function ratings() 
     return $this->hasMany('\App\Rating'); 

    /*========== Override class variable declarations for children. ==========*/ 

    protected function setFillableAttribute($value) 
     if (count(class_parents($this)) > 1) # Check if there is more than one parent, they all need the Eloquent model. 
      # Yes, there are parents. We need to combine the parent $fillable with the extra ones in the child. 
      $this->fillable = array_unique(array_merge($this->fillable,$value)); 
      # No parents except Eloquent model. 
      $this->fillable = $value; 

    protected function setHiddenAttribute($value) 
     if (count(class_parents($this)) > 1) # Check if there is more than one parent, they all need the Eloquent model. 
      # Yes, there are parents. We need to combine the parent $hidden with the extra ones in the child. 
      $this->hidden = array_unique(array_merge($this->hidden,$value)); 
      # No parents except Eloquent model. 
      $this->hidden = $value; 

    protected function setGuardedAttribute($value) 
     if (count(class_parents($this)) > 1) # Check if there is more than one parent, they all need the Eloquent model. 
      # Yes, there are parents. We need to combine the parent $guarded with the extra ones in the child. 
      $this->guarded = array_unique(array_merge($this->guarded,$value)); 
      # No parents except Eloquent model. 
      $this->guarded = $value; 


namespace App\Libraries; 

use App\Libraries\basicUser; 

class User extends basicUser 
    protected $fillable = array('extra'); 

    protected $hidden = array(); 

    protected $guarded = array(); 

現在我真的很想對我的$u = user::find(1);有密碼和remember_token被隱藏...但保護$隱藏似乎被覆蓋。




$ hidden被覆蓋,因爲您在子類中重新聲明瞭此屬性。取出從用戶以下類,它應該足以使其工作:

protected $hidden = array(); 

的一點是,我希望能夠通過剛剛宣佈$隱藏在用戶類添加到現有陣列。我可以像這樣做: 'protected $ hidden_​​child;我想這樣做只是通過redeclaring(這就是爲什麼我想到的設置...屬性(這就是爲什麼我想這個設置...屬性(隱藏,$ this-> hidden_​​child); $ this-> hidden = array_merge($ this-> hidden,$ this-> hidden_​​child) )方法。 – user2693053


setHiddenAttribute只會在您試圖賦予$ object-> hidden時沒有公共$ hidden atrribute時被調用。當你在「protected $ hidden = array();」中聲明一個變量時,它不會被調用。因爲PHP的__set()沒有被調用,那麼這就是所有的setXattribute的魔術 –


如果你想擴展$ hidden數組,你需要在子類構造函數中做到這一點。你需要使用array_merge($ this-> hidden,$ someOtherArray)或者明確地調用setHiddenAttribute,因爲這裏的子模型有權訪問$ hidden並且__set仍然不會被調用 –