內容的具體內容:b'I發一個文件來測試MD5 \ n」
這是返回什麼當我嘗試檢查完全相同的文件的完整性(它不需要做任何改變): 內容:b'I發一個文件來測試MD5 \ n」
import hashlib
import json
import os
import fnmatch
from codecs import open
#opens the file, reads/encodes it, and returns the contents (c)
def read_the_file(f_location):
with open(f_location, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
c = f.read()
return c
def scan_hash_json(directory_content):
for f in directory_content:
location = argument + "/" + f
content = read_the_file(location)
comp_hash = create_hash(content)
json_obj = {"Directory": argument, "Contents": {"filename": str(f),
"original string": str(content), "md5": str(comp_hash)}}
location = location.replace(argument, "")
location = location.replace(".txt", "")
write_to_json(location, json_obj)
#scans the file, creates the hash, and writes it to a json file
def read_the_json(f):
f_location = "recorded" + "/" + f
read_json = open(f_location, "r")
json_obj = json.load(read_json)
return json_obj
#check integrity of the file
def check_integrity(d_content):
#d_content = directory content
for f in d_content:
json_obj = read_the_json(f)
text = f.replace(".json", ".txt")
result = find(text, os.getcwd())
content = read_the_file(result)
comp_hash = create_hash(content)
print("content: " + str(content))
print("Json Obj: " + json_obj['Contents']['md5'])
print("Hash: " + comp_hash)
#find the file being searched for
def find(pattern, path):
result = ""
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for name in files:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern):
result = os.path.join(root, name)
return result
#create a hash for the file contents being passed in
def create_hash(content):
h = hashlib.md5()
key_before = "reallyBad".encode('utf-8')
key_after = "hashKeyAlgorithm".encode('utf-8')
content = content.encode('utf-8')
return h.hexdigest()
#write the MD5 hash to the json file
def write_to_json(arg, json_obj):
arg = arg.replace(".txt", ".json")
storage_location = "recorded/" + str(arg)
write_file = open(storage_location, "w")
json.dump(json_obj, write_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
#variable to hold status of user (whether they are done or not)
working = 1
#while the user is not done, continue running the program
while working == 1:
print("Please input a command. For help type 'help'. To exit type 'exit'")
#grab input from user, divide it into words, and grab the command/option/argument
request = input()
request = request.split()
if len(request) == 1:
command = request[0]
elif len(request) == 2:
command = request[0]
option = request[1]
elif len(request) == 3:
command = request[0]
option = request[1]
argument = request[2]
print("I'm sorry that is not a valid request.\n")
#if user inputs command 'icheck'...
if command == 'icheck':
if option == '-l':
if argument == "":
print("For option -l, please input a directory name.")
dirContents = os.listdir(argument)
except OSError:
print("Directory not found. Make sure the directory name is correct or try a different directory.")
elif option == '-f':
if argument == "":
print("For option -f, please input a file name.")
contents = read_the_file(argument)
computedHash = create_hash(contents)
jsonObj = {"Directory": "Default", "Contents": {
"filename": str(argument), "original string": str(contents), "md5": str(computedHash)}}
write_to_json(argument, jsonObj)
except OSError:
print("File not found. Make sure the file name is correct or try a different file.")
elif option == '-t':
dirContents = os.listdir("recorded")
except OSError:
print("File not found. Make sure the file name is correct or try a different file.")
elif option == '-u':
print("gonna update stuff")
elif option == '-r':
print("gonna remove stuff")
#if user inputs command 'help'...
elif command == 'help':
#display help screen
print("Integrity Checker has a few options you can use. Each option "
"must begin with the command 'icheck'. The options are as follows:")
print("\t-l <directory>: Reads the list of files in the directory and computes the md5 for each one")
print("\t-f <file>: Reads a specific file and computes its md5")
print("\t-t: Tests integrity of the files with recorded md5s")
print("\t-u <file>: Update a file that you have modified after its integrity has been checked")
print("\t-r <file>: Removes a file from the recorded md5s\n")
#if user inputs command 'exit'
elif command == 'exit':
#set working to zero and exit program loop
working = 0
#if anything other than 'icheck', 'help', and 'exit' are input...
#display error message and start over
print("I'm sorry that is not a valid command.\n")
你可以包括你的main()方法,以及?你是否創建了散列json文件,然後在應用程序的一次運行中檢查散列的完整性?您是否使用create_hash函數來創建初始散列,然後再次驗證它? – dano
我包括我的主要方法。 json文件已經創建好了。當用戶輸入「icheck -t」時,程序會通過存儲.json文件的目錄,查找.txt文件,計算哈希,並將其與.json文件內的內容進行比較。 – SRod
謝謝,這證實了我的懷疑。請參閱下面的答案,瞭解我相信問題所在。 – dano