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<strong>DSS.1 september 20, 2013</strong>
<li>Black is The Colour (Cumik's Edit) - Nina Nimone & LuLu Rogue</li>
<li>The Hope (Recondite's Nocturnal Car Ride) - Scuba</li>
<li>A Walk On The Clouds - Fabio Gianelli</li>
<li>When The Sun Goes Down - Alex Flatliner, Hermanez</li>
<li>Panta Rei (Max Cooper Remix) - Agoria</li>
<li>Miami's My Town - Jesse Perez</li>
<li>Slo-Mo Girl (Fur Coat Dark After Hour Mix) - Delete (aka Sergio Munoz)</li>
<li>Cleric - Recondite</li>
<li>Shake it Mama - Jupiter Jazz</li>
<li>Tears of a Clown (Ryan Davis Remix) - Pig&Dan</li>
<li>Spiral Inflections - Max Cooper</li>
<li>Pleasures (Ghosting Season Remix) - Max Cooper, BRAIDS</li>
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<strong>FHDH.2 august 14, 2013 </strong>
<li>Arahova - David Kassi</li>
<li>Love This Sound - Bryan Lead</li>
<li>Brotherman - Detroit Swindle</li>
<li>Serenade - Wally Lopez, Audio Junkies</li>
<li>No Equal Sides - Audiojack</li>
<li>I Need You - Leftwing, Kody</li>
<li>Get On Down (Roberto Rodriguez Remix) - Atnarko, Jevne</li>
<li>In Principal - Audiojack</li>
<li>I'm Into This - Homework</li>
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<strong>FHDH.1 n ovember 10, 2012</strong>
<li>Golden Bullet (Alvaro Hylander Remix) - Jean Jeak</li>
<li>Yesterday's Future Feat. Amy G (Evrey Ulusoy Perfect Present Remix) - Houseriders</li>
<li>Ol Times (Till Von Stein & Chopstick Remix) - Lihab, Findling</li>
<li>Policrom (Audiojack Remix) - NTFO, Audiojack</li>
<li>Another Boring Love Song (Alvaro Hylander Remix) - Seraphine</li>
<li>Go Down (Anton Pieete Remix) - Hermanez</li>
<li>Nobody Else - NTFO, Karmon</li>
<li>Almost Here Pt 1 - Pezzner</li>
<li>Keep On (Simon Baker's Keepin On Remix) - Marvin Zeyss</li>
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感謝您的提醒!事實證明,新用戶在8小時過後才能回答自己的問題。 – TCannadySF