1. =reset
Anything but * reset
2. =base
Base rules so naked HTML has basic style and displays consistently x-browser
3. =base forms
Base form framework
4. =base site
Rules common across the majority of pages
e.g. header, footer, main columns, navigation, search bar etc.
5. =recurring styles
Re-useable snippets -- not to include positioning/structure etc.
e.g. buttons, icons etc.
6. =recurring modules
Re-usable modules common to multiple pages/views but not majority
e.g. a product carousel could be on the homepage as well as the product page and maybe even the checkout page etc.
7. =homepage
contains rules only applicable to homepage
8. =about page
contains rules only applicable to about page
9. =contact page
contains rules only applicable to contact page
...and so on
只是一個快速評論,但你使用任何形式的結構,在你的CSS事實上已經把你的頭和肩膀上面最。 :) 雖然我發現將單片樣式表分成多個文件使得讀取/調試/重用(雖然很明顯)變得更加容易,但我沒有看到您如何佈置它的任何錯誤。 – Faisal 2010-07-14 23:31:13
感謝您對此的反饋和想法,很高興聽到人們使用類似的結構,我也應該提到,這個例子並不一定意味着所有的規則應該在一個字段中,而只是一個部分的CSS規則的一種方式。 – Richard 2010-07-15 22:11:14