2016-02-19 59 views

我對使用flexbox CSS的div上的滾動條有個疑問。在flexbox div上渲染滾動條而不是瀏覽器窗口


* { 
    box-sizing: border-box; 
.flex-display { 
    display: flex; 
    align-items: stretch; 
    height: 100%; 
.tree-container { 
    border: 1px groove gray; 
    padding: 10px; 
    width: 25%; 
    height: 100%; 
.detail-container { 
    border: 1px groove black; 
    padding: 10px; 
    width: 75%; 
    height: 100%; 
    flex: auto; 
#ViewContainer { 
    display: flex; 
    flex-direction: column; 
    align-items: stretch; 
#Header { 
    border: 1px ridge; 
    display: block; 
#Detail { 
    border: 1px ridge; 
    overflow-y: auto; 
<div class="flex-display"> 
    <div class="tree-container"> 
    <div class="detail-container"> 
    <div id="MainContainer"> 
     <div id="ViewContainer"> 
     <div id="Header"> 
      This is going to be my Header View with Fixed Height of Content. 
     <div id="Detail"> 
      <h2> Set scrollbar on this div to utilized remaining height of browser window without showing scrollbar on Browser.</h2> 

       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 

       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 

       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 
       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 
       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 
       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 
       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 
       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 
       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 
       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 
       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 
       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 
       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 
       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 
       HEre we are going to have some divs or some form and some other things but this part has to be scrollable. 


你可以看到它的筆。 CodePen

參考:類似的情況,但以另一種方式彎曲方向行:Scrolling a flexbox with overflowing content





  • body元素上刪除默認保證金

    body { margin: 0; } 
  • 設置滾動條格到100%的視口的高度,少邊框和貼

    #ViewContainer { height: calc(100vh - 26px); } 

    高度計算是:(視口高度 - 20px填充 - 6像素邊框)

Revised Codepen


做你的邊界計算的像素僅爲頂部和底部? – Jeet


是的。側邊不會影響高度。 –
