2017-06-21 17 views


| Thing  | Title | 
| Info  | A, B, C. | 
| Score  | Foo  | 
| More Info | Long Text | 
| Proof  | Blah  | 

Figure 1 
<Screenshot of Proof> 


| Thing #1 |  Title  | 
| Info  | A, B, C.   | 
| Score  | Foo    | 
| More Info | Long Text   | 
| Proof  | Blah <Screenshot> | 


簡而言之:我必須將選中的所有表格按順序編號。 我也想使這些表看起來像這樣的一個表:

| Number | Title | Score | Number of CSV's in Info | 
| 1  | Thing | Foo | 3      | 
| ... | ... | ... | ...      | 
| ... | ... | ... | ...      | 
| ... | ... | ... | ...      |  



Sub NumberTablesSelection() 
    Dim t As Integer 

    Dim myRange as Range 
    Set myRange = Selection.Range 

    With myRange 
     For t = 1 To .Tables.Count 
      Set myCell = .Tables(t).Cell(1,1).Range 
      myCell.Text = "Thing #" + t 
      Next t 
     End With 
End Sub 


Sub TableOfThings() 
    Dim t As Integer 

    Dim myRange as Range 
    Set myRange = Selection.Range 

    myTable = Tables.Add(Range:=tableLocation, NumRows:=1, NumColumns:=4) 
    myTable.Cell(1,1).Range.Text = "Number" 
    myTable.Cell(1,2).Range.Text = "Title" 
    myTable.Cell(1,3).Range.Text = "Score" 
    myTable.Cell(1,4).Range.Text = "Instances" 

    With myRange 
     For t = 1 To .Tables.Count 

      Set Title = .Tables(t).Cell(1,2).Range 
      Set Instances = .Tables(t).Cell(2,2).Range 
      Set Score = .Tables(t).Cell(3,2).Range 

      Set NewRow = myTable.Rows.Add 
      NewRow.Cells(1).Range.Text = t 
      NewRow.Cells(2).Range.Text = Title 
      NewRow.Cells(3).Range.Text = Score 
      NewRow.Cells(4).Range.Text = Instances 
     End With 
End Sub 




請讓我知道如果您需要任何額外的信息或細節,我試圖給出一個最小可行的例子,然後我現在的代碼以其最簡單的形式。 – NictraSavios


哪部分不工作? –


在VBA中,字符串加上數字,比如'myCell.Text =「Thing#」+ t',會嘗試使字符串變成數字,然後做數字加數字。因此,''Thing#「+ t'會導致'類型不匹配'錯誤。而是:'myCell.Text =「Thing#」&t'(即使用&符號)。 – rskar




  • A按鈕或其他物體可以」用於調用宏,因爲這將有效地改變選擇。相反,它可以運行Alt + F8或分配給宏的快捷鍵
  • 選擇必須是連續的。所以,如果有4個表格,選擇表格#1,& 3將不起作用。它應該像表#1到3.


Option Explicit 
Sub NumberTablesSelection() 
    Dim t As Integer, myRange, myCell As Range 
    Set myRange = Selection.Range 
    With myRange 
     For t = 1 To .Tables.Count 
      Set myCell = .Tables(t).Cell(1, 1).Range 
      myCell.Text = "Thing #" & t 
     Next t 
    End With 
End Sub 
Sub TableOfThings() 
    Dim t As Integer, myRange As Range, myTable As Table, NewRow As Row, Title As String, Instances As Integer, Score As String 
    Set myRange = Selection.Range 
    Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory 
    Set myTable = ActiveDocument.Tables.Add(Range:=Selection.Range, NumRows:=1, NumColumns:=4) 
    With myTable 
     .Style = "Table Grid" 
     .Rows(1).Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = -603917569 
     .Cell(1, 1).Range.Text = "Number" 
     .Cell(1, 2).Range.Text = "Title" 
     .Cell(1, 3).Range.Text = "Score" 
     .Cell(1, 4).Range.Text = "Instances" 
    End With 
    With myRange 
     For t = 1 To .Tables.Count 
      Title = .Tables(t).Cell(1, 2).Range 
      Instances = UBound(Split(.Tables(t).Cell(2, 2).Range, ",")) + 1 
      Score = .Tables(t).Cell(3, 2).Range 
      Set NewRow = myTable.Rows.Add 
      With NewRow 
       .Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorAutomatic 
       .Cells(1).Range.Text = t 
       .Cells(2).Range.Text = txtClean(Title) 
       .Cells(3).Range.Text = txtClean(Score) 
       .Cells(4).Range.Text = Instances 
      End With 
     Next t 
    End With 
End Sub 
Function txtClean(txt As String) As String 
    txt = Replace(txt, Chr(7), "") 
    txt = Replace(txt, Chr(13), "") 
    txt = Replace(txt, Chr(11), "") 
    txtClean = txt 
End Function 



我唯一不清楚的就是如何讓分數成爲表格中值的數量,而不僅僅是數值本身。 – NictraSavios


你能舉一個例子嗎?表1中的得分是多少,表2是什麼,它應該如何顯示在摘要中? – curious


這個例子是在這個問題中,一個簡單的CSV列表。如果單元格包含A,B,C,則可以在總結中的問題中看到我有3個。如在3個值中。 – NictraSavios



Sub NumberTablesSelection() 
    Dim t As Integer 

    Dim myRange as Range 
    Set myRange = Selection.Range 

    With myRange 
     For t = 1 To .Tables.Count 
      Set myCell = .Tables(t).Cell(1,1) 
      myCell.Range.Text = "Thing #" & t 
      Next t 
     End With 
End Sub 


Sub TableOfThings() 
    Dim t As Integer 
    Dim tbl as Table 
    Dim myRange as Range 
    Set myRange = Selection.Range 

    myTable = Tables.Add(Range:=tableLocation, NumRows:=1, NumColumns:=4) 
    myTable.Cell(1,1).Range.Text = "Number" 
    myTable.Cell(1,2).Range.Text = "Title" 
    myTable.Cell(1,3).Range.Text = "Score" 
    myTable.Cell(1,4).Range.Text = "Instances" 

    t = 1 
    For each tbl in myRange.Tables 
     With tbl 
      Set Title = .Cell(1,2).Range 
      Set Instances = .Cell(2,2).Range 
      Set Score = .Cell(3,2).Range 
     End With 

     Set NewRow = myTable.Rows.Add 
     With NewRow 
      .Cells(1).Range.Text = t 
      .Cells(2).Range.Text = Title 
      .Cells(3).Range.Text = Score 
      .Cells(4).Range.Text = Instances 
     End With 
     t = t + 1 
    Next tbl 

End Sub