public static Icon IconFromImage(Image img)
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(img))
Byte[] ba;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
bmp.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
ba = ms.ToArray();
using (var imgData = new MemoryStream())
using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(imgData))
if (writer != null)
//Header (6 bytes)
writer.Write((Byte)0); // 0 reserved: set to 0
writer.Write((Byte)0); // 1 reserved: set to 0
writer.Write((Int16)1); // 2-3 image type: 1 = icon, 2 = cursor
writer.Write((Int16)1); // 4-5 number of images
//Image entry #1 (16 bytes)
writer.Write((Byte)bmp.Width); // 0 image width
writer.Write((Byte)bmp.Height); // 1 image height
writer.Write((Byte)0); // 2 number of colors
writer.Write((Byte)0); // 3 reserved
writer.Write((Int16)0); // 4-5 color planes
writer.Write((Int16)32); // 6-7 bits per pixel
writer.Write(ba.Length); // 8-11 size of image data
writer.Write(6 + 16); // 12-15 offset to image data
//Write image data
writer.Write(ba); // PNG data must contain the whole PNG data file!
writer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return new Icon(imgData,16,16);
return null;
窗體的標題圖標: :使用Bitmap.FromHicon(new Icon(theForm.Icon, new Size(16, 16)).Handle)
'var img = this.Icon.ToBitmap()'有什麼問題? –
圖標沒有高質量的編碼器。 [從文件中提取圖標,然後保存爲透明度爲.ico文件](http://stackoverflow.com/a/37354129/1070452)可能會回答你的問題 – Plutonix
@RezaAghaei該通用版本似乎不喜歡32bpp規範。如果我將'writer.Write((Int16)32)'更改爲24bpp,或者使用需要16x16大小的那個,那很好。我得到一個數組溢出異常。 – DonBoitnott