2012-11-28 71 views

我有一個關於在Visual Basic中的任務的問題。問題是要求用戶設計一個Windows應用程序並編寫將根據需求文檔執行的代碼。對於這個問題的定價要求如下:對於季票,Box座位是2500美元,下層座位是1500美元。對於單場比賽門票,Box座位是55美元,下層座位是35美元,上層座位是25美元,而僅有Standing Room是15美元。當我的程序運行時,它似乎只使用$ 55或$ 2500的值,並像其他值不是實際的選擇一樣。其他一切正常。任何幫助將不勝感激。這裏是我的代碼:棒球票的銷售

' Program Name: Baseball Tickets Selection 
' Author:  William Gambill 
' Date:   November 26, 2012 
' Purpose:  The Baseball Tickets Selection application determines the 
'    type of baseball tickets available and calculates the cost 
'    depending upon the seat chosen and number of seats. 

Option Strict On 

Public Class frmBaseballTicketSales 

    ' Class Variables 
    Private _strBoxSeats As String = "Box Seats     $55" 
    Private _strLowerDeck As String = "Lower Deck Seats  $35" 
    Private _strUpperDeck As String = "Upper Deck Seats  $25" 
    Private _strStdRmOnly As String = "Standing Room Only $15" 
    Private _strSeasnBoxSeats As String = "Box Seats    $2500" 
    Private _strSeasnLowerDeck As String = "Lower Deck Seats $1500" 

    Private Sub cboTicketSelection_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)   Handles cboTicketSelection.SelectedIndexChanged 

    ' This event handler allows the user to enter the ticket choice 
    ' and then calls subprocedures to place the seat choices in the list. 

    Dim intTicketChoice As Integer 

    intTicketChoice = Me.cboTicketSelection.SelectedIndex 
    Select Case intTicketChoice 
     Case 0 
     Case 1 
    End Select 
    ' Make items visible in the window 
    lblNumberOfTickets.Visible = True 
    txtNumberOfTickets.Visible = True 
    lblSeatType.Visible = True 
    lstSeatType.Visible = True 
    btnCalculate.Visible = True 
    btnClear.Visible = True 
    lblTotalTicketCost.Visible = True 
    lblFinalTotalCost.Visible = True 
    ' Clear the labels 
    lblFinalTotalCost.Text = "" 
    ' Set focus on number in tickets text box 

End Sub 

Private Sub SingleTickets() 
    ' This procedure fills in the possible single game tickets 
End Sub 
Private Sub SeasonTickets() 
    ' This procedure fills in the possible season tickets 
End Sub 

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click 
    ' This button event handler determines the cost of baseball tickets 
    ' based on ticket type, seat type, and number of tickets bought. 
    ' It displays the total cost of the tickets. 

    Dim intNumberOfTickets As Integer 
    Dim blnNumberOfTicketsIsValid As Boolean = False 
    Dim blnTypeIsSelected As Boolean = False 
    Dim intTypeChoice As Integer 
    Dim intTicketChoice As Integer 
    Dim decTotalCost As Decimal 

    ' Call a function to ensure the number of tickets is valid 
    blnNumberOfTicketsIsValid = ValidateNumberOfTickets() 
    ' If number of tickets and the type selection are valid, calculate the cost 
    If (blnNumberOfTicketsIsValid) Then 
     intNumberOfTickets = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberOfTickets.Text) 
     intTicketChoice = Me.cboTicketSelection.SelectedIndex() 
     Select Case intTicketChoice 
      Case 0 
       decTotalCost = SingleFindCost(intTypeChoice, _ 
      Case 1 
       decTotalCost = SeasonFindCost(intTypeChoice, _ 
     End Select 
     ' Display the cost of the tickets 
     lblFinalTotalCost.Text = decTotalCost.ToString("C") 
    End If 
End Sub 

Private Function ValidateNumberOfTickets() As Boolean 
    ' This procedure validates the value entered for the number of tickets 

    Dim intTicketNumber As Integer 
    Dim blnValidityCheck As Boolean = False 
    Dim strNumberOfTicketsErrorMessage As String = _ 
     "Please enter the number of tickets (1-99)" 
    Dim strMessageBoxTitle As String = "Error" 

     intTicketNumber = Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberOfTickets.Text) 
     If intTicketNumber > 0 And intTicketNumber < 100 Then 
      blnValidityCheck = True 
      MsgBox(strNumberOfTicketsErrorMessage, , strMessageBoxTitle) 
     End If 
    Catch Exception As FormatException 
     MsgBox(strNumberOfTicketsErrorMessage, , strMessageBoxTitle) 
    Catch Exception As OverflowException 
     MsgBox(strNumberOfTicketsErrorMessage, , strMessageBoxTitle) 
    Catch Exception As SystemException 
     MsgBox(strNumberOfTicketsErrorMessage, , strMessageBoxTitle) 
    End Try 

    Return blnValidityCheck 

End Function 

Private Function SingleFindCost(ByRef intTypeSelection As Integer, _ 
           ByRef intNumberOfTickets As Integer) As Decimal 
    ' This function calculates the cost of Single Game tickets 

    Dim decTypeCost As Decimal 
    Dim decFinalCost As Decimal 
    Dim decSingleBoxCost As Decimal = 55D 
    Dim decSingleLowerCost As Decimal = 35D 
    Dim decSingleUpperCost As Decimal = 25D 
    Dim decSingleStandCost As Decimal = 15D 

    Select Case intTypeSelection 
     Case 0 
      decTypeCost = decSingleBoxCost 
     Case 1 
      decTypeCost = decSingleLowerCost 
     Case 2 
      decTypeCost = decSingleUpperCost 
     Case 3 
      decTypeCost = decSingleStandCost 
    End Select 
    decFinalCost = decTypeCost * intNumberOfTickets 
    Return decFinalCost 

End Function 

Private Function SeasonFindCost(ByRef intTypeSelection As Integer, _ 
           ByRef intNumberOfTickets As Integer) As Decimal 
    ' This function calculates the cost of Season Tickets 

    Dim decTypeCost As Decimal 
    Dim decFinalCost As Decimal 
    Dim decSeasonBoxCost As Decimal = 2500D 
    Dim decSeasonLowerCost As Decimal = 1500D 

    Select Case intTypeSelection 
     Case 0 
      decTypeCost = decSeasonBoxCost 
     Case 1 
      decTypeCost = decSeasonLowerCost 
    End Select 
    decFinalCost = decTypeCost * intNumberOfTickets 
    Return decFinalCost 

End Function 

Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click 
    ' This event handler clears the form and resets the form for 
    ' reuse when the user clicks the Clear button. 

    cboTicketSelection.Text = "Select Ticket Type" 
    lblFinalTotalCost.Text = "" 
    lblNumberOfTickets.Visible = False 
    txtNumberOfTickets.Visible = False 
    lblSeatType.Visible = False 
    lstSeatType.Visible = False 
    btnCalculate.Visible = False 
    btnClear.Visible = False 
    lblTotalTicketCost.Visible = False 
    lblFinalTotalCost.Visible = False 
End Sub 

Private Sub frmBaseballTicketSales_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 
    ' Hold the splash screen for 5 seconds 


End Sub 

End Class 


