2015-01-01 55 views


static sqlite3** database; 
const char *dbPath; 

@implementation GlobalVars : NSObject 

+(GlobalVars*)sharedInstance { 
    static GlobalVars *myInstance = nil; 
    if(myInstance == nil) { 
     myInstance = [[[self class] alloc] init]; 

    return myInstance; 

+(sqlite3*)getGlobalDatabase { 
    return &database; 

+(void)setGlobalDatabase:(sqlite3*)_database { 
    database = &_database; 


static sqlite3** database; 



-(void)setAllValues:(NSMutableArray*)array { 
if(sqlite3_open([GlobalVars getGlobalDBPath], [GlobalVars getGlobalDatabase]) == SQLITE_OK) { 
    sqlite3_stmt *insertStatement; 
    NSString *sqlInsert = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"insert into my_table ('_id', 'name', 'age', 'weight', 'height', 'description') VALUES (%i, '%@', '%i', '%i', '%@', '%@')", ID, name, age, weight, height, description]; 

//*********** This is not opening, and SQLITE_OK is equal to false *********** 

if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(([GlobalVars getGlobalDatabase]), [sqlInsert UTF8String], -1, &insertStatement, nil) == SQLITE_OK) { 
     if(sqlite3_step(insertStatement) == SQLITE_DONE) { 
      NSLog(@"insert stepping done"); 

    sqlite3_close([GlobalVars getGlobalDatabase]); 



登錄'sqlite3_errmsg'。 – rmaddy


那麼,sqlite3_errmsg說什麼?什麼是從sqlite3_prepare_v2返回的返回碼? –


@HotLicks sqlite3_errmsg說「庫程序調用不按順序」 –






#import "DBManager.h" 
#import "userRegistrationClass.h" 

static DBManager *sharedInstance = nil; 
static sqlite3 *database = nil; 
static sqlite3_stmt *statement = nil; 

@implementation DBManager 

#pragma mark 
#pragma mark Get shared Function 
    if (!sharedInstance) { 
     sharedInstance = [[super allocWithZone:NULL]init]; 
     [sharedInstance createDB]; 
    return sharedInstance; 

#pragma mark 
#pragma mark Create DataBase 
    NSString *docsDir; 
    NSArray *dirPaths; 
    // Get the documents directory 
// http://www.mycashkit.com/my-earnings.php 
    dirPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); 
    NSLog(@"Dir Path Value is %@",dirPaths); 
    docsDir = [dirPaths objectAtIndex:0]; 
    NSLog(@"DocsDir Path Value is %@",docsDir); 
    // Build the path to the database file 
    databasePath = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[docsDir stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"UserRegInfo.sqlite"]]; 
    NSLog(@"Data base Work's %@:",databasePath); 
    BOOL isSuccess = YES; 
    NSFileManager *filemgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; 
    // NSString *currentPath = [filemgr currentDirectoryPath]; 
    NSLog(@"My file managaer value is %@",filemgr); 
    //NSLog(@"My current drictory path is %@",currentPath); 
    //the file will not be there when we load the application for the first time 
    //so this will create the database table 
    if ([filemgr fileExistsAtPath: databasePath ] == NO) 
     const char *dbpath = [databasePath UTF8String]; 

     NSLog(@"Constan charcter value is %s:-",dbpath); 

     if (sqlite3_open(dbpath, &database) == SQLITE_OK) 
      char *errMsg; 
      const char *sql_stmt = "create table if not exists UserInfo(UserID integer primary key, UserName,Gender,UserEmailID,Password,RePassword,DOB, MobileNo,IsUserType)"; 
      const char *sql_stmt2 = "create table if not exists TestInfo(TestID integer primary key, TestName,TestType)"; 

//   NSString *dbPathFromApp=[[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"UserRegInfo.sqlite"];[filemgr copyItemAtPath:dbPathFromApp toPath:databasePath error:nil]; 

      NSLog(@"Constan charcter value is %s:-",dbpath); 
      if (sqlite3_exec(database, sql_stmt, NULL, NULL, &errMsg) && (sqlite3_exec(database, sql_stmt2, NULL, NULL, &errMsg)!= SQLITE_OK)) 
       isSuccess = NO; 
       NSLog(@"Failed to create table"); 
      NSLog(@"Print Sqlite%d",(sqlite3_exec(database, sql_stmt, NULL, NULL, &errMsg))); 
      return isSuccess; 
     else { 
      isSuccess = NO; 
      NSLog(@"Failed to open/create database"); 

    return isSuccess; 
#pragma mark 
#pragma mark Save Data Function 

    const char *dbpath = [databasePath UTF8String]; 
    if (sqlite3_open(dbpath, &database) == SQLITE_OK) 

     NSLog(@" my Sqlite Query is :- %@",insertSQL); 
     const char *insert_stmt = [insertSQL UTF8String]; 
     sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, insert_stmt,-1, &statement, NULL); 
     if (sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE) 
      return YES; 
      NSLog(@"Squlite Error Msg is %s",sqlite3_errmsg(database)); 
      return NO; 
    return NO; 

本答案是假設....謝謝+1 –


此代碼有許多錯誤。 'saveData'方法打開數據庫,但不關閉它。 'saveData'方法準備一個語句,但沒有完成它。對'sqlite3_exec'的兩次調用沒有正確的錯誤檢查。 – rmaddy


但它在我的應用上工作 –