2017-05-26 82 views

請幫我修改代碼。我需要從ajax這樣的陣列:car1 [汽車的顏色] ['關於汽車的故事']。 但我只能得到:car1 ['關於汽車的故事']。 我已經閱讀了很多技巧,但沒有成功。我是php的begginer。 非常感謝具體的答案:)下面的腳本如何通過post,ajax,php,jquery從FORM獲取多維數組?

// HTML smaller version 
<form class= "ajax2" action="formInsertCar.php" method="POST"> 
    <input type="submit" value="Save All"> 
     <select name="car1[]" size="1"> 
      <?php $opt = new CarOptions;?> 
     <textarea name="car1[]"></textarea> 
     <select name="car2[]" size="1"> 
      <?php $opt = new CarOptions;?> 
     <textarea name="car2[]"></textarea> 

// JavaScript, ajax for FORM 
$('form.ajax2').on('submit', function() { 
    var that = $(this), 
    url = that.attr('action'), 
    type = that.attr('method'), 
    data = {}; 

    that.find('[name]').each(function(index, value) { 
     var that = $(this), 
     name = that.attr('name'), 
     value = that.val(); 

     data[name] = value; 
     // here I want to result like: car1['color of car']['story about car']; 
     // but I can get only: car1['story about car'] 

     url: url, 
     type: type, 
     data: data, 
     success: function(response) { 
    return false; 



我敢肯定,你會得到這是一種不必要的格式。 我不喜歡它:

    <select name="car[1][color]" size="1"> 
     <?php $opt = new CarOptions;?> 
    <textarea name="car[1][history]"></textarea> 
    <select name="car[2][color]" size="1"> 
     <?php $opt = new CarOptions;?> 
    <textarea name="car[2][history]"></textarea> 


$('form.ajax2').on('submit', function(e) { 
    e.preventDefault(); //'return false' is deprecated according to jQuery documentation, use this instead. 

    var that = $(this), 
    url = that.attr('action'), 
    type = that.attr('method'), 
    data = that.serialize(); //This will capture all form input values, no need to reinvent the wheel 

     url: url, 
     type: type, 
     data: data, 
     success: function(response) { 



Will print the following data: 

array() { 
    car => array() { 
     1 => array() { 
      color => colorValue, 
      history => historyValue 
     2 => array() { 
      color => colorValue, 
      history => historyValue 

非常感謝你:) :) :)。它的工作原理不會改變html :) :) :) – Tomi



$('form.ajax2').on('submit', function(e) { 
    url = that.attr('action'), 
    type = that.attr('method'); 

     url: url, 
     type: type, 
     data: new FormData(this), 
     contentType: false, 
     cache: false, 
     processData: false, 
     success: function(response) { 
    return false; 

謝謝非常多:)它的作品:) – Tomi