2017-06-02 23 views



private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 

    private Long id; 

    private User repoter; 

    private PropertyRating reportedReview; 

    // @OneToOne(mappedBy="PropertyRating",targetEntity=PropertyRating.class) 
    //private Property propertyRating; 

    private String Report; 

    public Long getId() { 
     return id; 

    public void setId(Long id) { 
     this.id = id; 
     .... Getters and Setters 


public class PropertyRating implements PropertyRatingGetters{ 

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) 
    private Long id; 

    @JsonDeserialize(using = CustomDateDeserializer.class) 
    @JsonSerialize(using = CustomDateSerializer.class) 
    private Date createdDate; 

    @JsonDeserialize(using = CustomDateDeserializer.class) 
    @JsonSerialize(using = CustomDateSerializer.class) 
    private Date modifiedDate; 

    private User rater; 

    @ManyToOne (cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE, targetEntity = Property.class) 
    private Property ratedProperty; 

    private float rating; 

    private String reviewText; 

..getter and setter 


@Projection(name="PropertyWithReportReview", types=ReportReview.class) 
public interface PropertyWithReportReview extends ReportReviewGetter { 



public interface ReportReviewGetter { 

     Long getId(); 
     User getRepoter(); 
     PropertyRating getReportedReview(); 
     String getReport(); 

**Response I get** 
"reportReviews": [ 
     "id": 1, 
     "report": "abc", 
     "repoter": { 
      "id": 2, 
      "logonEmail": "[email protected]", 
      "name": "Student", 
      "emailVerified": true, 
      "address": "A-213", 
      "postcode": "888", 
      "phoneNo": "2342", 
      "passportNo": null, 
      "description": null, 
      "meanRating": 2 
     "reportedReview": { 
      "id": 1, 
      "createdDate": null, 
      "modifiedDate": null, 
      "rating": 3, 
      "reviewText": "gfhdvfb" 
     "_links": { 
      "self": { 
      "href": "http://localhost:8555/api/reportReviews/1" 
      "reportReview": { 
      "href": "http://localhost:8555/api/reportReviews/1{?projection}", 
      "templated": true 
      "repoter": { 
      "href": "http://localhost:8555/api/reportReviews/1/repoter" 
      "reportedReview": { 
      "href": "http://localhost:8555/api/reportReviews/1/reportedReview" 

EDITED Property.class

public class Property implements PropertyGetters, Serializable { 
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) 
    private Long id; 

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, targetEntity = User.class) 
    private User owner; 

    private List<UniversityDistance> universityDistances; 

    @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY,targetEntity=Room.class, mappedBy="property") 
    private Set<Room> rooms; 

    private List<PropertyPhoto> photos ; 

// @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade={CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE}) 
//// @JoinTable(name = "tbu1213", joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "businessid", referencedColumnName = "businessid") }, inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "userid")) 
// @org.hibernate.annotations.LazyCollection(
//   org.hibernate.annotations.LazyCollectionOption.EXTRA 
// ) 
// private Set<UniversityDistance> universityDistances = new HashSet<UniversityDistance>(); 

    private PropertyType propertyType; 

    private ContractType contractType; 

    private String propertyTitle; 

    private PropertyStatus propertyStatus; 

    private String address; 
    private City city; 

    private String description; 

    private Double latitude; 
    private Double longitude; 
    private boolean wifi; 
    private boolean kitchenAppliances; 
    private boolean laundry; 
    private boolean heating; 
    private boolean cable; 
    private boolean furnished; 
    private boolean gasBill; 
    private boolean hydroBill; 
    private boolean cooling; 
    private boolean parking; 
    private boolean waterBill; 

    private boolean cctv; 
    private boolean maintenance; 
    private boolean secureEntry; 
    private boolean petAllowed; 
    private boolean smokingAllowed; 
    private boolean guestAllowed; 

    private int noOfRoom; 

    private float meanRating; 

    private Business business; 


    @ManyToOne (cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE, targetEntity = Property.class, fetch = FetchType.EAGER) 
    private Property ratedProperty; 

我在哪裏添加這個? – SFAH


這與您在「PropertyRating」類中具有的相同字段。我jave增加了'fetch = FetchType.EAGER' – pvpkiran


什麼都沒發生: – SFAH
