默認情況下,Make會「觸摸」提供的目標文件以「使其更新」。 爲了避免這種情況,你可以使用this option:可以在全球範圍內設定「假設新」嗎?
-W file, --what-if=file, --new-file=file, --assume-new=file
Pretend that the target file has just been modified. When used
with the -n flag, this shows you what would happen if you were to
modify that file. Without -n, it is almost the same as running a
touch command on the given file before running make, except that
the modification time is changed only in the imagination of make.
請注意,'MAKECMDGOALS'只包含在命令行上提供的目標;你特別要求在Makefile中定義的所有目標。如果你備份了一點,並描述了你實際想要完成的事情,那麼回答你的問題會更簡單。 – MadScientist