2016-01-08 195 views

我正在努力解決以下問題。 我想要做以下的輸入柱A的操作和產生列B輸出:字符串操作VBA Excel



3.COLLECT一個詞以同一單元的不同的翻譯 - 避免重複(這很難,我不知道如何解決這個問題繼續進行) 要理解這一點看看輸入/輸出的例子。


 absolutism, absolute rule 
 absorb, bind 
 absorb, take up 
 absorb, imbibe, take up 
 absorb, sorb 
 absorb, take up 
 absorb, take up 
 absorb, imbibe 


col B 
absolutism, absolute rule 
absorb, bind, imbibe, take up, sorb 


Option Explicit 
Sub StrMac() 
Dim wk As Worksheet 
Dim i, j, l, m As Long 
Dim strc, strd, fstrc, fstrd As String 
Dim FinalRowC, FinalRowD As Long 

Set wk = Sheet1 

wk.Columns(1).Copy Destination:=wk.Columns(3) 
wk.Columns(2).Copy Destination:=wk.Columns(4) 

wk.Range("$C:$C").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo 
wk.Range("$D:$D").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo 

FinalRowC = wk.Range("C1048576").End(xlUp).Row 
FinalRowD = wk.Range("D1048576").End(xlUp).Row 

If FinalRowC >= FinalRowD Then 
    j = FinalRowC 
    j = FinalRowD 
End If 

For i = 1 To j 
    If wk.Range("C" & i).Text <> "" Then 
     strc = wk.Range("C" & i).Text 
     strc = Replace(strc, Chr(160), "") 
     strc = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(strc) 
     wk.Range("C" & i).Value = strc 
    Else: End If 

    If wk.Range("D" & i).Text <> "" Then 
     strd = wk.Range("D" & i).Text 
     strd = Replace(strd, Chr(160), "") 
     strd = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(strd) 
     wk.Range("D" & i).Value = strd 
    Else: End If 
Next i 

Dim Cet, Det, Fet, Met, s As Variant 
Dim newstr 
Dim pos, cos As Long 
s = 1 

For i = 1 To j 

    If wk.Range("D" & i).Text <> "" Then 

     l = 2 
     strd = wk.Range("D" & i).Text 
     newstr = strd 

     For m = i + 1 To j 
      pos = 1100 
      cos = 2300 

      fstrd = wk.Range("D" & m).Text 
      cos = InStr(1, fstrd, ",") 
      pos = InStr(1, fstrd, strd, vbTextCompare) 

      If wk.Range("D" & m).Text <> "" And Len(fstrd) > Len(strd) And m <= j And cos <> 2300 And pos = 1 Then 
       l = 5 
         newstr = newstr & "," & fstrd 
         wk.Range("D" & m) = "" 

      Else: End If 

     Next m 

     wk.Range("E" & s) = newstr 
     s = s + 1 
    Else: End If 

Next i 

End Sub 

使用我還沒有嘗試過的代碼字典 –


的字典,而是一個開始 - 第1步後(去除重複作爲一個整體,而不是單個列的基礎上) &2,對結果數據運行文本到列。然後,表格中的數據與行區域中的所有內容一起移除,摺疊後的小計會給出預期結果,但不以您的格式顯示。但是,以嵌套循環轉換所需格式將非常簡單。一旦我獲得了時間,我將在VBA中詳細說明這一點。 – PankajR




Sub tgr() 

    Dim ws As Worksheet 
    Dim rData As Range 
    Dim aData As Variant 
    Dim vData As Variant 
    Dim vWord As Variant 
    Dim aResults() As String 
    Dim sUnq As String 
    Dim i As Long 

    Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") 
    Set rData = ws.Range("A1", ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) 

    If rData.Cells.Count = 1 Then 
     'Only 1 cell in the range, check if it's no blank and output it's text 
     If Len(Trim(rData.Text)) > 0 Then ws.Range("B1").Value = WorksheetFunction.Trim(rData.Text) 
     'Remove any extra spaces and sort the data 
     With rData 
      .Value = Evaluate("index(trim(" & .Address(external:=True) & "),)") 
      .Sort .Cells, xlAscending, Header:=xlNo 
     End With 

     aData = rData.Value        'Load all values in range to array 
     ReDim aResults(1 To rData.Cells.Count, 1 To 1) 'Ready the results array 

     For Each vData In aData 
      'Get only unique words 
      If InStr(1, vData, ",", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 
       If InStr(1, "," & sUnq & ",", "," & vData, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 
        sUnq = sUnq & "," & vData 
        If i > 0 Then aResults(i, 1) = Replace(aResults(i, 1), ",", ", ") 
        i = i + 1 
        aResults(i, 1) = vData 
       End If 
       'Add unique different translations for the word 
       For Each vWord In Split(vData, ",") 
        If InStr(1, "," & aResults(i, 1) & ",", "," & Trim(vWord) & ",", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 
         aResults(i, 1) = aResults(i, 1) & "," & Trim(vWord) 
        End If 
       Next vWord 
      End If 
     Next vData 
    End If 

    'Output results 
    If i > 0 Then ws.Range("B1").Resize(i).Value = aResults 

End Sub