import sys, os
from collections import namedtuple
## This defines an interface similar to the object that getwindowsversion() returns
## (I say 'similar' so I don't have to explain the descriptor magic behind it)
WindowsVersion = namedtuple('WindowsVersion', 'major minor build platform product_type service_pack service_pack_major service_pack_minor suite_mask')
## Looking for something that quacks like this:
LinuxVersion = namedtuple('LinuxVersion', 'major minor build whatever attrs are needed')
## To create something that quacks similarly to this (in case you're wondering)
PlatformVersion = namedtuple('PlatformVersion', 'major minor micro build info')
## EDIT: A newer version of Version, perhaps?
class Version:
_fields = None
def __init__(self, *subversions, **info)
self.version = '.'.join([str(sub) for sub in subversions])
self.info = info
instance_fields = self.__class__._fields
if instance_fields is not None:
if isinstance(instance_fields, str):
instance_fields = instance_fields.split()
for field in instance_fields:
if field in self.info:
setattr(self, field, self.info.pop(field))
## This makes the PlatformVersion (or any other Version) definition a mere:
class PlatformVersion(Version):
_fields = 'build' ## :)
## Now PlatformInfo looks something like:
class PlatformInfo:
def __init__(self, *version_number, platform=None, version_info=None, **info):
self.platform = sys.platform if platform is None else platform
self.info = info
if self.platform in ('win32', 'win64'):
works_great = sys.getwindowsversion()
self.version = PlatformVersion(works_great.major, works_great.minor, works_great.service_pack_major, build=works_great.build, **dict(version_info))
self.version = your_answer(PlatformVersion(os.uname().release, build=os.uname().version, **dict(version_info))), 'hopefully'
self.version = self.version[0] ## lol
呵呵,爽!畢竟,我不必拼湊在一起!謝謝! – Inversus
或['platform.uname()'](https://docs.python.org/3/library/platform.html#platform.uname)爲跨平臺版本 – mata