2015-11-25 43 views



# #1 Cheerleader Camp (2010) (V) 
- "Drop Dat Booty" 
    Performed by Ken Cain and Ben Forman 
    Written and Produced by Ken Cain and Ben Forman 
- "Endless View" 
    Written and Produced by Sterling 
    Performed by Darlings of the Day 

# #2 Chick (2014) 
- "Number 1 Chick and Number 2 chick by D Player" 

# Star Wars (1977) 
- "Star Wars (Main Theme)" (uncredited) 
    Written by John Williams 
    Performed by London Symphony Orchestra 
- "The Hologram/Binary Sunset" (uncredited) 
    Written by John Williams 
    Performed by London Symphony Orchestra 


"#1 Cheerleader Camp (2010) (V)","Drop Dat Booty","Performed by Ken Cain and Ben Forman Written and Produced by Ken Cain and Ben Forman" 
"#1 Cheerleader Camp (2010) (V)","Endless View","Written and Produced by Sterling Performed by Darlings of the Day" 
"#2 Chick (2014)","Number 1 Chick and Number 2 chick by D Player","" 
"Star Wars (1977)","Star Wars (Main Theme) (uncredited)","Written by John Williams Performed by London Symphony Orchestra" 
"Star Wars (1977)","The Hologram/Binary Sunset (uncredited)","Written by John Williams Performed by London Symphony Orchestra" 

您的具體問題是什麼? 「我需要幫助」通常不會提出一個很好的問題 –


我需要關於如何完成的幫助。 – tucosalamanca


你嘗試過做什麼嗎? – Phate01





using System.IO; 

namespace ConsoleApplication1 
    class Program3 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      using (var writer = new StreamWriter("output.csv")) 
      using (var reader = new StreamReader("input.txt")) 

       string movie = ""; 
       string song = ""; 
       string info = ""; 

       while (!reader.EndOfStream) 
        string line = reader.ReadLine(); 

        // movie 
        if (line.StartsWith("# ")) 
         // forget previous song & info 
         song = ""; 
         info = ""; 
         // remember movie 
         movie = line.Substring(2); 
        // song 
        else if (line.StartsWith("- ")) 
         // write song info to csv 
         if (song != "") 
          writer.WriteLine("\"" + movie + "\", \"" + song + "\", \"" + info + "\""); 
         // forget previous song info 
         info = ""; 
         // remember song 
         song = line.Substring(2); 
        // song info 
        else if (line.StartsWith(" ")) 
         // remember info 
         if (info != "") 
          info += ""; 
         info += line; 
        // end of movie 
        else if (line == "") 
         // write song info to csv 
         if (song != "") 
          writer.WriteLine("\"" + movie + "\", \"" + song + "\", \"" + info + "\""); 
         // forget movie, song & info 
         movie = ""; 
         song = ""; 
         info = ""; 

       // write song info to csv 
       if (song != "") 
        writer.WriteLine("\"" + movie + "\", \"" + song + "\", \"" + info + "\""); 
