我試圖創建一個變量,每當調用將返回當前值。示例應該更好地描述:Javascript - 是否存在具有自我更新值的變量?
var image = jQuery('.myimage');
var currentWidth = function(){ return image.width(); };
// now, in any later place in the script the above variable
// should contain the current width without necessity to update this
// variable over and over again each time (we assume that the width
// of an image is changing as the script executes and this variable
// should always contain the CURRENT width and not the one set at the
// beginning).
這不是你所看到的行爲嗎?這就是這個代碼應該如何工作。如果不是,則應該發佈更多的上下文。 – FishBasketGordo 2013-04-08 17:03:04
@FishBasketGordo他希望能夠引用「currentWidth」而不顯式地進行函數調用。 – Pointy 2013-04-08 17:08:11