||-jasmine -- Contains all the Jasmine files
|-spec -- Spec files go here
在您提問時,Jasmine 1.3是最新版本。從那時起2.0發佈幷包含一些異步改進。這兩個版本都包含在內,1.3被註釋掉了。
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>Hello Spec Runner</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="lib/jasmine/jasmine_favicon.png">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="lib/jasmine/jasmine.css">
<!-- Load RequireJS & the testsuite -->
<script src="../Scripts/require.js" data-main="SpecRunner.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
這個問題Does Jasmine 2.0 really not work with require.js?在得到這個啓動和運行很有幫助。
(function() {
'use strict';
// Configure RequireJS to shim Jasmine
baseUrl: "../App",
paths: {
'jasmine' : '../Jasmine/lib/jasmine/jasmine',
'jasmine-html': '../Jasmine/lib/jasmine/jasmine-html',
'boot': '../Jasmine/lib/jasmine/boot', // This is not present in Jasmine 1.3
'spec' : '../Jasmine/spec',
'squire': '../Jasmine/squire',
'knockout': '../Scripts/knockout-2.3.0',
'jquery': '../Scripts/jquery-1.10.2' // This only used in the Jasmine 1.3 case.
shim: {
'jasmine': {
exports: 'jasmine'
'jasmine-html': {
deps: ['jasmine'],
exports: 'jasmine'
'boot': {
deps: ['jasmine', 'jasmine-html'],
exports: 'jasmine'
"squire": {
exports: "squire"
// Define all of your specs here. These are RequireJS modules.
var specs = [
// Load Jasmine - This will still create all of the normal Jasmine browser globals unless `boot.js` is re-written to use the
// AMD or UMD specs. `boot.js` will do a bunch of configuration and attach it's initializers to `window.onload()`. Because
// we are using RequireJS `window.onload()` has already been triggered so we have to manually call it again. This will
// initialize the HTML Reporter and execute the environment.
require(['boot'], function() {
// Load the specs
require(specs, function() {
// Initialize the HTML Reporter and execute the environment (setup by `boot.js`)
* Use this require if you're on Jasmine 1.3
//require(['jquery', 'jasmine-html'], function ($, jasmine) {
// var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();
// jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 1000;
// var htmlReporter = new jasmine.HtmlReporter();
// jasmineEnv.addReporter(htmlReporter);
// jasmineEnv.specFilter = function(spec) {
// return htmlReporter.specFilter(spec);
// };
// $(function() {
// require(specs, function(spec) {
// jasmineEnv.execute();
// });
// });
// end 1.3
define(['knockout'], function (ko) {
var message = ko.observable("Go away, World!");
return {
message: message()
define(['foo'], function (foo) {
return {
message : foo.message
define(['squire'], function (Squire) {
var injector = new Squire();
var builder = injector
.mock('foo', {
message: "Hello, World!"
describe('hello', function() {
var hello;
beforeEach(function (done) {
// For async:
// accept a "done" parameter and Jasmine will wait...
builder.require(['hello'], function (hi) {
hello = hi;
done(); // ...until you invoke it.
* Use the following if you're on 1.3
//var done;
//runs(function() {
// builder.require(['hello'], function (hi) {
// hello = hi;
// done = true;
// });
//waitsFor(function() {
// return done;
//}, "Unable to load dependency not loaded", 750);
// end 1.3
it('is welcoming', function() {
expect(hello.message).toBe("Hello, World!");
describe('hello no mock foo', function() {
var hello;
beforeEach(function (done) {
// For async:
// accept a "done" parameter and Jasmine will wait...
require(['hello'], function (hi) {
hello = hi;
done(); // ...until you invoke it.
* Use the following if you're on 1.3
//var done;
//runs(function() {
// require(['hello'], function (hi) {
// hello = hi;
// done = true;
// });
//waitsFor(function() {
// return done;
//}, "Unable to load dependency not loaded", 750);
// end 1.3
it('is less than welcoming', function() {
expect(hello.message).toBe("Go away, World!");
var injector = new Squire();
var builder = injector
.mock('foo', {
message: "Hello, World!"
builder.require(['hello'], function (hi) {
hello = hi;
done(); // ...until you invoke it.
require(['hello'], function (hi) {
hello = hi;
done(); // ...until you invoke it.
茉莉花文檔http://jasmine.github.io/可以填寫你的「完成()」功能(2.0)或「運行/ waitsFor」(1.3)。