2016-04-19 71 views


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<title> CSGO </title> 


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<table class = "fixed opac"> 
    <td><a href="Index.html">Home</a> </td> 

    <td><a href="3Maps.html">Maps</a> </td> 
    <td><a href="4CT.html">Counter <br/> Terrorists</a> </td> 
    <td><a href="5T.html">Terrorists</a> </td> 
    <td><a href="6About.html">About</a> </td> 
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<table id = "Maintbl" class = "MainTable center"> 
    <td> CS:GO’s Next Major </td> 
Europe Region – Hosted by DreamHack 


<table id = "Maintbl" class = "MainTable center"> 
<td> Operation Wildfi </td> 

What’s new? Visit the page below for details! 

<table id = "Maintbl" class = "MainTable center"> 
<td> We made some adjustments to rifles recently... </td> 
nCS:GO. M 



你不能再使用的ID ......他們必須在每一頁上是唯一的。 –


ID的是什麼?按鈕? – Jhon122


這些表都具有相同的ID。 「Maintbl」 –




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<table class = "fixed opac"> 
    <td><a href="Index.html">Home</a> </td> 

    <td><a href="3Maps.html">Maps</a> </td> 
    <td><a href="4CT.html">Counter <br/> Terrorists</a> </td> 
    <td><a href="5T.html">Terrorists</a> </td> 
    <td><a href="6About.html">About</a> </td> 
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<div id = "MaintblWrapper"> 
    <table class = "MainTable center"> 
    <td> CS:GO’s Next Major </td> 
     Europe Region – Hosted by DreamHack 


    <table class = "MainTable center"> 
    <td> Operation Wildfi </td> 

     What’s new? Visit the page below for details! 

    <table class = "MainTable center"> 
    <td> We made some adjustments to rifles recently... </td> 
     nCS:GO. M 
