我所做的一切,當我嘗試運行測試,我收到此錯誤RunUnitTests錯誤的Xcode 5更新
if [ "${TEST_AFTER_BUILD}" = "YES" ]; then
Error ${LINENO} "RunUnitTests is obsolete. To run unit tests for your target, use the Test scheme action in the Xcode IDE and the test action in xcodebuild."
Note ${LINENO} "You can remove the Run Script build phase that invokes RunUnitTests from your unit test bundle target."
# Exit with EX_UNAVAILABLE to indicate that this subsystem is unavailable.
exit 69
凡Error ${LINENO} "RunUnitTests is obsolete. To run unit tests for your target, use the Test scheme action in the Xcode IDE and the test action in xcodebuild."
被紅色高亮顯示,以更新項目的Xcode 5.現在。我GOOGLE了這個問題,但無法找到任何答案。可能是什麼問題,我該如何解決它?
非常感謝你解決了我的問題! –
此選項不再顯示在Xcode 5中的UI中。它現在是一個名爲「TEST_AFTER_BUILD」的用戶定義設置。 –