我在建模JPA中的以下問題時遇到問題。我有一個JPA實體類 '用戶',像這樣: (訪問器/轉變器/外來場/外來JPA配置爲簡潔起見省略)JPA映射問題 - 請求的建模方向
class User {
@Generated Value
long id;
Report contributorReports; // All the reports where this user is contributor
@OneToMany ownerReports; // All the reports where this user is owner
String username;
和JPA實體類 '報告'
class Report {
long id;
User contributor;
User owner;
SomeData data;
- 報告必須包含一個貢獻者和所有者
- 我CA N接入所有報表的用戶一直是「貢獻者」爲通過用戶實體
- 我可以訪問所有報表的用戶已經「擁有者」爲通過用戶實體
CREATE TABLE user_report {
BIGINT reportId,
BIGINT contributorId,
BIGINT ownerId,
@JoinTable(name = "user_report",
joinColumns = {
@JoinColumn(name = "reportOwner_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")}
private User owner;
@JoinTable(name = "user_report",
joinColumns = {
@JoinColumn(name = "reportContributor_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")}
private User contributor;
CREATE TABLE user_report (
BIGINT ownerReport_ID, // Report ID
BIGINT reportOwner_ID, // UserID owner
BIGINT contributorReport_ID, // Report ID
BIGINT reportContributor_ID // UserID contributor
Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Field 'ownerReport_ID' doesn't have a default value
我希望能夠就如何最好地模擬我所設想的關係得到一些指導。 (或者更好的方式來設想這種關係)如果需要額外的信息,我會很樂意提供。
親切的問候 馬特
爲什麼你在報告端使用'@ OneToOne',它應該是'@ ManyToOne'。 – axtavt 2010-08-09 15:41:54