2016-08-13 89 views


<input type="text" name="item_qty[0]"> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[1]"> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[2]"> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[3]"> 

,我想的jQuery從陣列輸入已更改爲指定(0,1,2,3 )並獲得它的價值。

我試過下面的代碼,但我無法完成它我需要獲得數組鍵($ i)和輸入值。

$(document).ready(function() {  




console.log("index of input is " + $(this).index()) 
console.log("name of input is " + $(this).attr('name')) 


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[0]"> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[1]"> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[2]"> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[3]">



感謝,但如果我想拿到鑰匙只無例如0,而不是item_qty [0] –


使用trhis'$(本)的.index全名是什麼()' – guradio


$('input[name=item_qty]').each(function(i) { 
    $(this).change(function($mainElement) { 
     return function() { 
      $(this).val('My textfield changed'); 
      //put your chnage event code here 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty" value="1"> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty" value="2"> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty" value="3"> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty" value="4">



$('input[type="text"]').on('change', function(e) { 
    // e: is a reference to the event. 

    var index = $(this).index(), 
     name = this.name; 

    console.log("Name: " + name + ", index: " + index); 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[0]" /> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[1]" /> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[2]" /> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[3]" />


// a simple utility function to retrieve the element's index: 
function getIndex(node) { 

    // assigning the node to the 'current' variable: 
    var current = node, 

    // initialising a 'count' variable at 0: 
    count = 0; 

    // while there is a current node, and that current node 
    // has a previousElementSibling (a previous sibling that 
    // is an HTMLElement): 
    while (current && current.previousElementSibling) { 

    // increment the count: 

    // assign the previous HTMLElement sibling to 
    // the current variable and repeat: 
    current = current.previousElementSibling; 

    // return the final value of the count: 
    return count; 


// a simple named function to retrieve the relevant details: 
function getDetails() { 

    // caching the 'this' into the 'node' variable: 
    var node = this; 

    // logging the details (you could also return here): 

    // the name of the element node: 
    'name': node.name, 

    // the index of the element node: 
    'index': getIndex(node), 

    // and the value of the element node 
    // (to show how to access existing 
    // other properties of the node, 
    // although that wasn't specified in 
    // the question): 
    'value': node.value 


// creating an Array from the Array-like HTMLCollection returned 
// by document.querySelectorAll(), and iterating over that Array 
// using Array.prototype.forEach(): 
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('input[type="text"]')).forEach(function(input) { 
    // 'input', the first argument, is a reference to the 
    // current Array-element of the Array over which 
    // we're iterating. 

    // here we assign the named function (note the lack of 
    // parentheses) as the 'change' event handler: 
    input.addEventListener('change', getDetails); 
input { 
    display: block; 
    margin: 0 0 0.4em 0.4em; 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[0]" /> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[1]" /> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[2]" /> 
<input type="text" name="item_qty[3]" />
