2016-05-21 31 views

我正在使用GMaps.js在一張地圖上顯示多個疊加層(類似於AirBNB的地圖)。我很新的JavaScript和GMaps API所以我用2個下列問題有困難:Gmaps.js - 如何將「指針」添加到疊加層並使其可點擊?

  1. 我可以自定義風格的疊加,但是,當他們出現在屏幕上,他們缺少的「指示器」(又名矩形底部的小三角形位),而不是顯示爲簡單的矩形。我怎樣才能添加這些「三角形」?

  2. 我希望疊加層可點擊。我看了一下,看起來解決方案是addListener,但我見過的所有例子都只有一個標記(在這種情況下不是多個),也沒有使用GMaps.js的例子。什麼是最好的方法來做到這一點?


// I've included the Gmaps API and gmaps.js here 
jQuery(function($) { 
map = new GMaps({ 
     div: '#map', 
     lat: -23.873209, 
     lng: 201.155845, 
     zoom: 12, 

// the Body contains multiple event_location elements which have data-lat and data-lng defined for each event by PHP, which is used below - this part is not a problem 
$('.event_location').each(function() { 
      lat: $(this).attr('data-lat'), 
      lng: $(this).attr('data-lng'), 
      content: "<div class='map_overlay' style='background-color: blue;'><a href='" + $(this).attr('data-url') + "'>" + $(this).attr('data-subject') + "</a></div>" 



http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24641958/gmap-js-mouseover-event-on-an-overlay-is-it-possible有一個很好的解決方案 – user6122500




<div class='overlay_arrow above'></div> 

the example in the documentation


jQuery(function($) { 
    map = new GMaps({ 
    div: '#map', 
    lat: -23.873209, 
    lng: 201.155845, 
    zoom: 3, //12, 

    // the Body contains multiple event_location elements which have data-lat and data-lng defined for each event by PHP, which is used below - this part is not a problem 
    $('.event_location').each(function() { 
     lat: $(this).attr('data-lat'), 
     lng: $(this).attr('data-lng'), 
     content: "<div class='overlay'><a href='" + $(this).attr('data-url') + "'>" + $(this).attr('data-subject') + "</a><div class='overlay_arrow above'></div></div>" 

#map { 
    height: 100%; 
    margin: 0; 
body { 
    font-family: 'Droid Sans', 'Helvetica', Arial, sans-serif; 
    margin: 5px; 
#body { 
    width: 1000px; 
#instructions { 
    margin-top: 10px; 
#instructions li { 
    display: none; 
.overlay { 
    display: block; 
    text-align: center; 
    color: #fff; 
    font-size: 60px; 
    line-height: 80px; 
    opacity: 0.8; 
    background: #4477aa; 
    border: solid 3px #336699; 
    border-radius: 4px; 
    box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px #333; 
    text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #666; 
    padding: 0 4px; 
.overlay_arrow { 
    left: 50%; 
    margin-left: -16px; 
    width: 0; 
    height: 0; 
    position: absolute; 
.overlay_arrow.above { 
    bottom: -15px; 
    border-left: 16px solid transparent; 
    border-right: 16px solid transparent; 
    border-top: 16px solid #336699; 
.overlay_arrow.below { 
    top: -15px; 
    border-left: 16px solid transparent; 
    border-right: 16px solid transparent; 
    border-bottom: 16px solid #336699; 
.row { 
    font-size: 14px; 
pre { 
    font-family: 'Ubuntu Mono'; 
    font-size: 14px; 
.row { 
    zoom: 1; 
    margin-left: -20px; 
.row:after { 
    display: table; 
    content: ""; 
    zoom: 1; 
.row:after { 
    clear: both; 
.row>[class*="span"] { 
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.span3 { 
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.span4 { 
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.span5 { 
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.span20 { 
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pre.prettyprint { 
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    -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 10px #999; 
    box-shadow: 0 0 10px #999; 
    padding: 5px; 
    white-space: pre-wrap; 
    word-wrap: break-word; 
.label { 
    font-size: 10.998px; 
    font-weight: bold; 
    line-height: 14px; 
    color: #ffffff; 
    text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); 
    white-space: nowrap; 
    vertical-align: baseline; 
    background-color: #999999; 
    margin: 2px 6px; 
.label { 
    padding: 1px 4px 2px; 
    -webkit-border-radius: 3px; 
    -moz-border-radius: 3px; 
    border-radius: 3px; 
.notice { 
    background-color: #3a87ad; 
form input[type=text] { 
    border: solid 1px #999999; 
    padding: 2px; 
.edit_marker { 
    width: 250px; 
    height: 80px; 
.edit_marker p { 
    margin: 0; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js"></script> 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gmaps.js/0.4.12/gmaps.min.js"></script> 

<div id="map"></div> 
<div class="event_location" data-lat="-23.873209" data-lng="201.155845" data-subject="something" data-url="http://www.google.com"></div>


謝謝,是的,回答問題#1 – user6122500