2013-04-30 83 views

壞訪問看到這個代碼示例:GCD - 在主隊列

dispatch_queue_t downloadQueue=dispatch_queue_create("test", NULL); 

     dispatch_async(downloadQueue, ^{ 

      //do some core data fetching stuff 
      //create UIImage    

      //Need to go back to the main thread since this is UI related 
      dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ 

         [someView addSubview:self]; 





如果你使用ARC並且'someView'被聲明爲'weak'引用,那麼如果對象被釋放,它將是'nil'。這將避免保持對不再存在的視圖的引用的問題。 – rmaddy 2013-04-30 16:19:38


這是正確的。我將該屬性定義爲「分配」而不是弱。改變爲弱解決了這個問題。 – soleil 2013-04-30 16:33:58


在ARC中使用「assign」有效地消除了ARC的所有優勢! :) – matt 2013-04-30 17:08:11


dispatch_async(downloadQueue, ^{ 
    UIView* v = someView; 



如果使用ARC,那麼執行:'__weak UIView * v = someView'解決了這個問題。只要'v'的對象引用被解除分配,'v'將被自動設置爲'nil'。 – rmaddy 2013-04-30 17:05:53


@rmaddy不是線程安全的。在塊運行時,'someView'的狀態可能會改變*。因此,沒有測試是有效的:你可以說'if(v)'並且得到一個非零的'v',但是通過從另一個線程中取消分配''v''從你之下抽出'v'。這就是爲什麼你應該總是通過塊內的強引用重新捕獲:如果它是非零*然後*,它將在塊的其餘部分保持非零。 – matt 2013-04-30 17:10:58

// Capture a strong reference to someView, to make sure it's still around later on. 
__block UIView *v = someView; 

//Need to go back to the main thread since this is UI related 
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ 
    [v addSubview:self] 
    // Release v (assuming ARC). If nothing else has retained someView, this means 
    // that someView will be deallocated - but we're on the main thread, 
    // so that's fine. What we don't want is a background dealloc. 
    v = nil; 


// Capture a strong reference to someView, to make sure it's still around later on. 
__weak UIView *weakRef = someView; 

//Need to go back to the main thread since this is UI related 
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ 
    // This is thread-safe because someView should only be de-alloced on the main thread. 
    // consequently our access to weakRef is safe. 
    UIView *strongRef = weakRef; 
    [strongRef addSubview:self]; 


UIView *strongRef = whatever; 
    dispatch_async(downloadQueue, ^{ 
     dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ 
      [someView addSubview:self] 
     // If, by the time we get here, the dispatch to the main queue has already run, 
     // then we will send a release to someView on a background thread. If it's the last 
     // remaining reference - and it might be, unlikely as it is, then we just dealloced 
     // a UIView in the background. This is bad. 