2017-06-06 58 views



polymer serve的問題是,如果發生故障,它不會重新啓動,使您沒有網站。它的真正用處在於開發,因爲它在您開發單個元素時爲您映射目錄。



編輯以下是我在fly代碼上的代碼是如何從Google Polymer Teams「Polymer Server」中複製(然後由我更改的)代碼,因此需遵守該項目中給出的許可條件。

* Copyright (c) 2016 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. 
* This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at 
* http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt 
* The complete set of authors may be found at 
* http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt 
* The complete set of contributors may be found at 
* http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt 
* Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also 
* subject to an additional IP rights grant found at 
* http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt 


const parse5 = require('parse5'); 
    const dom5 = require('dom5'); 
    const LRU = require('lru-cache'); 
    const babelCore = require('babel-core'); 
    const transformLog = require('debug')('web:transform'); 

    const babelTransformers = [ 
    ].map((name) => require(name)); 

    const isInlineJavaScript = dom5.predicates.AND(

    const babelCompileCache = LRU({ 
    length: (n, key) => n.length + key.length 

    function compileHtml(source, location) { 
    const document = parse5.parse(source); 
    const scriptTags = dom5.queryAll(document, isInlineJavaScript); 
    for (const scriptTag of scriptTags) { 
     try { 
     const script = dom5.getTextContent(scriptTag); 
     const compiledScriptResult = compileScript(script); 
     dom5.setTextContent(scriptTag, compiledScriptResult); 
     } catch (e) { 
     // By not setting textContent we keep the original script, which 
     // might work. We may want to fail the request so a better error 
     // shows up in the network panel of dev tools. If this is the main 
     // page we could also render a message in the browser. 
     //eslint-disable-next-line no-console 
     console.warn(`Error compiling script in ${location}: ${e.message}`); 
    return parse5.serialize(document); 
    function compileScript(script) { 
    return babelCore 
     .transform(script, { 
     plugins: babelTransformers, 

    function transform(request, body, isHtml) { 
    const source = body; 
    const cached = babelCompileCache.get(source); 
    if (cached !== undefined) { 
     transformLog('using the cache'); 
     return cached; 
    if (isHtml) { 
     transformLog('compiling html'); 
     body = compileHtml(source, request.path); 
    } else { 
     transformLog('compiling js'); 
     body = compileScript(source); 
    babelCompileCache.set(source, body); 
    return body; 


function transformResponse(transformNeeded) { 
    return (req, res, next) => { 
     let ended = false; 

     let _shouldTransform = null; 
     let isHtml = true; 

     // Note: this function memorizes its result. 
     function shouldTransform() { 
     if (_shouldTransform == null) { 
      const successful = res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300; 
      if (successful) { 
      const result = transformNeeded(req); 
      isHtml = result.isHtml; 
      _shouldTransform = !!result.transform; 
      } else { 
      _shouldTransform = false; 
     return _shouldTransform; 

     const chunks = []; 

     const _write = res.write; 

     res.write = function(chunk, enc, cb) { 
     if (ended) { 
      _write.call(this, chunk, enc, cb); 
      return false; 
     if (shouldTransform()) { 
      const buffer = (typeof chunk === 'string') ? new Buffer(chunk,enc) : chunk; 
      return true; 
     return _write.call(this, chunk, enc, cb); 

     const _end = res.end; 
     res.end = function (chunk, enc, cb) { 
     if (ended) 
      return false; 
     ended = true; 
     if (shouldTransform()) { 
      if (chunk) { 
      const buffer = (typeof chunk === 'string') ? new Buffer(chunk,enc) : chunk; 
      const body = Buffer.concat(chunks).toString('utf8'); 
      let newBody = body; 
      try { 
      newBody = transform(req, body, isHtml); 
      } catch (e) { 
      //eslint-disable-next-line no-console 
      console.warn('Error', e); 
      // TODO(justinfagnani): re-enable setting of content-length when we know 
      // why it was causing truncated files. Could be multi-byte characters. 
      // Assumes single-byte code points! 
      // res.setHeader('Content-Length', `${newBody.length}`); 
      return _end.call(this, newBody); 
     return _end.call(this,chunk, enc, cb); 


function transformNeeded(req) { 
    const pathname = url.parse(req.url).pathname; 
    const isHtml = pathname === '/' || pathname.slice(-5) === '.html'; 
    if (isHtml || pathname.slice(-3) === '.js') { 
    //see if we need to compile as we have a .html or .js file 
    const splitPathName = pathname.split('/'); 
    const isPolyfill = splitPathName.includes('webcomponentsjs') || 
    if (!isPolyfill) { 
     const browser = new UAParser(req.headers['user-agent']).getBrowser(); 
     const versionSplit = (browser.version || '').split('.'); 
     const [majorVersion, minorVersion] = versionSplit.map((v) => v ? parseInt(v, 10) : -1); 
     const supportsES2015 = (browser.name === 'Chrome' && majorVersion >= 49) || 
     (browser.name === 'Chromium' && majorVersion >= 49) || 
     (browser.name === 'OPR' && majorVersion >= 36) || 
     (browser.name === 'Mobile Safari' && majorVersion >= 10) || 
     (browser.name === 'Safari' && majorVersion >= 10) || 
     // Note: The Edge user agent uses the EdgeHTML version, not the main 
     // release version (e.g. EdgeHTML 15 corresponds to Edge 40). See 
     // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Edge#Release_history. 
     // Versions before 15.15063 may contain a JIT bug affecting ES6 
     // constructors (see #161). 
     (browser.name === 'Edge' && 
      (majorVersion > 15 || (majorVersion === 15 && minorVersion >= 15063))) || 
     (browser.name === 'Firefox' && majorVersion >= 51); 
     'Browser is %s version %d,%d - supports ES2015? ', 
     return {transform: !supportsES2015, isHtml: isHtml}; 
    return {transform: false, isHtml: isHtml}; 


const Router = require('router'); 
//sets up my API routes 
router.use('/', transformResponse(this.transformNeeded)); 
router.use('/', staticFiles(clientPath)); 

謝謝。 我的問題是,我需要支持Internet Explorer 11和聚合物服務爲Internet Explorer 11動態調整javascript文件,正如我在此處所述:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44323065/polymer-serve-changes-因此,我不知道如何在不使用聚合物服務的情況下支持Internet Explorer 11。 – ResidentSleeper


對不起,在回覆中,我一直在度假。正如我所說的,我有一個nodejs定製服務器並使用Express Router(但不是Express的其餘部分)。如果你看看聚合物服務是如何做的,隨着每個新的請求進來,都有一些中間件檢查用戶代理與支持「類」的列表,並且如果需要,它會通過babel將所有靜態文件傳遞到即時傳輸。我提取了這一點的精華並添加到我的服務器。我將在上面編輯我的答案以包含我的減少位 – akc42


非常感謝!同時我發現我可以讓代碼通過聚合物構建編譯成ES5,然後與IE11一起使用。但是你的解決方案非常棒,也許我可以在以後使用它。 – ResidentSleeper