2016-02-25 150 views


ffmpeg -i udp:// -acodec aac -strict -2 -vcodec libx264 -hls_wrap 100 -f hls /var/www/html/ts/1.m3u8 


[h264 @ 0x14c1c60] number of reference frames (0+4) exceeds max (3; probably corrupt input), discarding one 


[h264 @ 0x158d600] error while decoding MB 30 34, bytestream -10 dup=101 drop=0 [mpegts @ 0x149c660] PES packet size mismatch 
[aac_latm @ 0x158daa0] Reserved SBR extensions is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented. 
[aac_latm @ 0x158daa0] If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to ftp://upload.ffmpeg.org/incoming/ and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. ([email protected]) 
[aac_latm @ 0x158daa0] Expected to read 18 SBR bytes actually read 21. 
[aac_latm @ 0x158daa0] channel element 3.4 is not allocated 
Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing input 
Last message repeated 1 times 
[udp @ 0x148c0c0] Circular buffer overrun. To avoid, increase fifo_size URL option. To survive in such case, use overrun_nonfatal option 
[h264 @ 0x158d600] error while decoding MB 41 20, bytestream -14 dup=102 drop=0  
udp:// Input/output error 





的ffmpeg -i UDP:// FIFO_SIZE = 5000


TNX很多......你知道如何解決這個問題? [h264 @ 0x14c1c60]參考幀數(0 + 4)超過最大值(3;可能是損壞的輸入),丟棄一個 –


嘗試將幀速率設置爲固定值,看看是否可以解決它。 –


我看到sombosy使用'udp:// = 2000000'代碼爲-i選項,你知道爲什麼要使用fifo_size兩次嗎? –