我幾乎沒有PHP的經驗,我必須將php腳本轉換爲python。我不明白這些行在代碼中的確切含義:2維數組插入php python等效
$vars = array();
$vars['a'] = array();
$vars['b'] = array();
$vars['b'][] = 'text1';
我將不勝感激幫助也轉換成python。 非常感謝,
我幾乎沒有PHP的經驗,我必須將php腳本轉換爲python。我不明白這些行在代碼中的確切含義:2維數組插入php python等效
$vars = array();
$vars['a'] = array();
$vars['b'] = array();
$vars['b'][] = 'text1';
我將不勝感激幫助也轉換成python。 非常感謝,
>>> var = {}
>>> var['a'] = {}
>>> var['b'] = {}
>>> var['b'][len(var['b'])] = 'text1'
>>> var['b'][len(var['b'])] = 'text2'
>>> var
{'a': {}, 'b': {0: 'text1', 1: 'text2'}}
>>> class array(dict):
def __getitem__(self, key):
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key == slice(None, None, None):
dict.__setitem__(self, self.__len__(), value)
dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
>>> var = array()
>>> var['a'] = array()
>>> var['b'] = array()
>>> var['b'][:] = 'text1'
>>> var['b'][:] = 'text2'
>>> var
{'a': {}, 'b': {0: 'text1', 1: 'text2'}}
時是空的,它與鍵0(=>$vars['b'][0] === 'text'
array(2) {
array(0) {
array(2) {
string(5) "text1"
string(5) "text2"
按下輸入這麼快,當張貼抱歉。謝謝 – googiddygoo
// http://www.trainweb.org/mccloudrails/History/boxcars_runaround.jpg![a train with box cars][1]
// imagine this like a train, and each boxcar on that train has a name on it
// this is like a list in python @see http://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_lists.htm
$vars = array();
// this is the name of the first box car, now this box car is ALSO a train with box cars, ie, a train within a boxcar of a train
$vars['a'] = array();
// same as above, but with a different box car
$vars['b'] = array();
// @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/252703/python-append-vs-extend
$vars['b'][] = 'text1';
// Q) what does the last line stand for? And what would happen if I add the line below to the code? $vars['b'][] = 'text2';
// A) This would make the array look somewhat like this:
// [a => [/* empty sad box car in an empty sad box car */]] [b => ['text1', 'text2'] ]
這是不完全準確,但偉大的開始。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufmzc2sDmhs
我用append代替len(var ['b'])。我想它的工作方式與 – googiddygoo
@googiddygoo:如果你使用'dict',append方法可能不可用。嚴格來說,PHP的數組是關聯數組,最好被翻譯成pythons字典 – Abhijit
是的,我使用的是列表而不是字典。但改爲代詞。完美的作品。謝謝 – googiddygoo