2015-06-05 59 views



// alloc and init the various (Mutable)Array properties 
self.locations = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; 

// Create new HomeModel object and assign it to _homeModel variable 
_homeModel = [[DealsModel alloc] init]; 

// Set this view controller object as the delegate for the home model object 
_homeModel.delegate = self; 

// Call the download items method of the home model object 
[_homeModel downloadItems]; 


-(void)itemsDownloaded:(NSArray *)items 
    // This delegate method will get called when the items are finished downloading 

    // Set the downloaded items to the array 
    _locations = [items copy]; 




@interface AppDelegate() <CLLocationManagerDelegate> 
    DealsModel *_homeModel; 

@property BOOL didRunBefore; 
@property CLLocationManager *locationManager; 
@property NSMutableArray *deals; 


@implementation AppDelegate 

-(void)itemsDownloaded:(NSArray *)items 
    // This delegate method will get called when the items are finished downloading 

    // Set the downloaded items to the array 
    _deals = [items copy]; 
    [self compareSponsorLocations:_deals toUserLocation:[self.locationManager location]]; 

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager 
    didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations { 

    if (!self.deals) { 
    // alloc and init the various (Mutable)Array properties 
    self.deals = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; 

    // Create new HomeModel object and assign it to _homeModel variable 
    _homeModel = [[DealsModel alloc] init]; 

    // Set this view controller object as the delegate for the home model object 
    _homeModel.delegate = self; 

    // Call the download items method of the home model object 
    [_homeModel downloadItems]; 
    } else { 
    [self compareSponsorLocations:self.deals toUserLocation:[locations lastObject]]; 

- (void) compareSponsorLocations: (NSArray *) array toUserLocation: (CLLocation *) location 
    for (Deal *deal in array) { 
     NSLog(@"%@", deal.name); 
    NSLog(@"%@", location.description); 

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { 



處理位置更新,當您的應用程序在後臺,甚至終止,您可以使用「顯着位置更改」 。當位置發生顯着變化時,它將觸發應用程序以背景模式啓動。然後,您可以開始後臺任務,根據需要執行操作。

文檔: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/LocationAwarenessPG/CoreLocation/CoreLocation.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009497-CH2-SW8

簡單的方法來模擬它和調試: XCode/iOS simulator: Trigger significant location change manually
