您好, 我最近開始不得不使用Firebase,特別是他的通知系統。當我建立我的項目的問題到了,這裏是錯誤使用Google Firebase通知生成錯誤
Error: URL scheme needed for Google Sign-In not included in your app's Info.plist. Please refer to the Google Sign-In SDK documentation for more information.'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x1877c2fe0 0x186224538 0x1877c2f28 0x10017c694 0x10017c114 0x18775d5f4 0x18775cd08 0x18775ca84 0x1877cb7a8 0x1876a095c 0x1881b2930 0x100089078 0x100087dac 0x100087aa4 0x100025f64 0x1000265b8 0x18d9654dc 0x18db71678 0x18db77120 0x18db8bc58 0x18db743b4 0x18936b884 0x18936b6f0 0x18936baa0 0x18777142c 0x187770d9c 0x18776e9a8 0x18769eda4 0x18d95e65c 0x18d959330 0x100027fd0 0x1866ad59c)
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
謝謝,但我不希望Google登錄... – POL