2012-07-07 48 views

我有一個布爾方法傳遞布爾方法執行到另一個類 - java的

public boolean addCar(CarReg carReg, Car car){ 
    return ?; 


public class Car{ 
    Map<CarReg, Car> carMap = new HashMap<carReg, Car>(); 
    //if the check is successfull, the details are added to the collection 
    public boolean addCar(CarReg carReg, Car car){ 
     If (garage.getOwner().toString == "pete"){ 
      carMap.put(carReg, car); 
      return true; 



你能更清楚一切應該在哪裏嗎?我懷疑答案是使用'this',但它很不明確。 – 2012-07-07 15:43:37


你可以傳遞一個對象,你可以傳遞一個方法調用的結果,但是你不能傳遞一個方法。請在更高的層面解釋你想達到的目標。 – 2012-07-07 15:48:17


您應該使用'equals'方法,而不是'=='來比較字符串。 – casablanca 2012-07-07 15:54:10





public class Car { 
    public boolean canAddCar(CarReg carReg, Car car) { 
    // logic for checking if you can add the car 
    public boolean addCar(CarReg carReg, Car car) { 
    if (canAddCar(carReg, car)) { 
     // logic for adding the car goes here 
     return true; 
    } else { 
     // anything special if you can't add the car? 
     return false; 



public class CarReg { 
    public boolean canAddCar(Car car) { 
    // logic for testing if you can add the car, for example: 
    return (car.getOwner().toString().equals("pete")); 

public class Car { 
    public boolean addCar(CarReg carReg, Car car) { 
    if (carReg.canAddCar(car)) { 
     // ... 
    } else { 
     // ... 

接下來,您可以在另一個對象傳遞給你的可以對檢查負責的班級。 這可能是addCar方法的另一個對象,或Car類的屬性。我展示後者在這個例子中(因爲前面的例子基本上是前者):

// might as well use an interface if you'll have multiple methods of checking 
public interface CarChecker { 
    boolean canAddCar(CarReg carReg, Car car); 

// specific implementation of the CarChecker interface 
// you can instantiate this and pass it into the Car class via a setter 
public class MyCarChecker implements CarChecker { 
    public boolean canAddCar(CarReg carReg, Car car) { 
    // checking logic goes here 

public class Car { 
    private CarChecker carChecker; 
    // you'll have to implent getCarChecker and setCarChecker 
    // (or let your IDE generate the getters and setters) 

    // assuming you'll call setCarChecker somewhere (or have it wired up via IoC) 

    public boolean addCar(CarReg carReg, Car car) { 
    if (carChecker.canAddCar(carReg, car)) { 
     // ... 
    } else { 
     // ... 

