我試圖從Android上傳視頻到Facebook的應用程序。 AS3的Facebook的API已經載影片
facebookMobile.uploadVideo(method:String, callback:Function = null, params:* = null)
params:* (default = null) — An object containing the title, description, fileName (including extension), and video (FileReference or ByteArray)
將mp4視頻轉換爲bytearray as3
時遇到了問題(以前從未使用過)。我從臉書獲得353錯誤:you must select a video file
public function UICompleteHandler(event:MediaEvent):void
trace("Welcome back from the camera");
var media:MediaPromise = event.data;
trace("file info "+media.file.url + " - " + media.relativePath + " - " + media.mediaType);
filePath = media.file.url;
trace("Object encoding is: " + inBytes.objectEncoding + "\n\n" + "order file: \n\n");
readFileIntoByteArray(filePath, inBytes);
trace("length 1: "+inBytes.length);
trace("position 1: "+inBytes.position);
inBytes.position = 0; // reset position to beginning
//trace("position 2: "+inBytes.position);
//inBytes.position = 0; //reset position to beginning
trace (inBytes);
private function readFileIntoByteArray(fileName:String, data:ByteArray):void
var inFile:File = new File(fileName);
trace ("file to byte array "+ inFile.url);
trace ("file name var : "+fileName);
inStream.open(inFile , FileMode.READ);
public function handleUpload(ev:TouchEvent)
trace ("posting to facebook - FileName: "+ accessCamera.fileName + " - FilePath: " + accessCamera.filePath);
var params:Object ={
title:'test upload on FB api',
description:'test upload on FB api',
fileName: accessCamera.fileName,
video: accessCamera.inBytes
//trace ("params.video = "+params.video);
FacebookMobile.uploadVideo('me/videos', onComplete, params);
private function onComplete(result:Object, fail:Object):void {
trace("facebook post onComplete called");
if (result)
//result.id is id of post that was just posted
trace ("great");
else if (fail)
trace("post Failed");
trace('code: '+fail.error.code);
trace('message: '+fail.error.message);
trace('type: '+fail.error.type);