2013-06-18 56 views



任何相關配置參數,可以在繁重的代碼看到的幫助任務這個代碼loops over an array of all tasks - currently starts at line 106

exports.tasks = function() { 
    grunt.log.header('Available tasks'); 
    if (exports._tasks.length === 0) { 
    grunt.log.writeln('(no tasks found)'); 
    } else { 
    exports.table(exports._tasks.map(function(task) { 
     var info = task.info; 
     if (task.multi) { info += ' *'; } 
     return [task.name, info]; 

這意味着我們應該看一看那裏這array is filled - (currently starts at line 94)

exports.initTasks = function() { 
    // Initialize task system so that the tasks can be listed. 
    grunt.task.init([], {help: true}); 

    // Build object of tasks by info (where they were loaded from). 
    exports._tasks = []; 
    Object.keys(grunt.task._tasks).forEach(function(name) { 
    var task = grunt.task._tasks[name]; 

在這裏你可以看到,有一個循環遍歷所有已註冊的任務(目標grunt.t ask._tasks)。在循環內沒有檢查,所以現在必須看到這個對象被填充的位置。

,這是在做registerTask-prototype-method (currently line 78)

// Register a new task. 
Task.prototype.registerTask = function(name, info, fn) { 

    ... some other code 

    // Add task into cache. 
    this._tasks[name] = {name: name, info: info, fn: fn}; 


但是有一個issue filed on the grunt github repository正是你的問題(私人任務)。隨時分叉存儲庫,使這項工作,並將其送回社區;-)


謝謝。我會考慮這樣做(我的JavaScript是有限的) – dangonfast


拉請求在這裏:https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt/pull/821 – dangonfast