<sql:query var="words" dataSource="jdbc/onlinedictionary">
SELECT word_id, words FROM Words
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<h1 align="center">Hello and welcome to my Online English Dictionary</h1>
<th>This Online English Dictionary uses a 5,000 word list
compiled by Professor Mark Davies of Brigham Young University
in Provo, Utah.</th>
<td>To view a definition of a particular word, please select
from the list below.</td>
<form action="submit.jsp">
<strong>Select a word:</strong>
<select name="word_id">
<c:forEach var="row" items="${words.rowsByIndex}">
<option><c:out value="${row[1]}"/></option>
<input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" />
這些錯誤是?請閱讀http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask – reto
它也表明所有的標籤都是「流浪」,即使有明確的兩件事情。 – JamesB
您需要至少發佈錯誤摘要,最有可能的是堆棧跟蹤,以便我們看到錯誤是什麼 – holtc