2009-06-28 41 views

我有以下的安裝:在VS2008中使用SQL Express 2008?

  • VS 2008 SP 1
  • ASP.NET MVC 1.0
  • 的SQL Express 2008
  • SQL Management Studio中2008(用於連接到SQL2008服務器)

當我右鍵單擊App_Data目錄並單擊「添加新項目」,如果我選擇SQL Server數據庫並命名.MDB文件,則出現錯誤:

Connections to SQL Server Files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL...




This forum post建議修復。它說:

Try deleting the directory SQLEXPRESS (Or better rename it say SQLEXPRESS_).

It solved my problem. This directory is at following location...

C:\Documents and Settings[USERNAME]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Data\SQLEXPRESS

Also, make sure that you preference to the database is "sqlexpress" in the WMD (It should be , by default).

Look at http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/showpost.aspx?postid=98346&siteid=1
