2017-05-30 74 views


<script src="//j.maxmind.com/app/country.js" charset="ISO-8859-1" type="text/javascript"></script> 
    var target = new Array(); // Target Array, Don't remove this. 

    // Here's an example which redirects visitors to your specified URL for your targeted country code: 

    target['All'] = "http://www.mb103.com/lnk.asp?o=5753&c=72626&a=131638&l=4473"; // Redirects non-targeted/other visitors to this URL. 
    target['US'] = "http://google.com"; // Redirects' "US" (United States) Visitors to this URL. 
    target['GB'] = "http://www.mb01.com/lnk.asp?o=1747&c=26002&a=131638&l=1322"; // Redirects' "GB" (United Kingdom) Visitors to this URL. 
    target['CA'] = "http://www.mb102.com/lnk.asp?o=8594&c=918273&a=131638&l=7306"; // Redirects' "CA" (Canada) Visitors to this URL. 

    /* == DON'T EDIT THE BELOW CODE == */ 
    \t var visitorCountryCode = geoip_country_code(); 
    \t var redirectURL = target[visitorCountryCode]; 
    \t if(redirectURL == null) redirectURL = target['All']; 
    \t if(redirectURL) window.top.location.href = redirectURL; 
    /* == DON'T EDIT THE ABOVE CODE == */ 
