2013-10-28 62 views

以下代碼成功編譯。但是我剛剛在方法moveP的名字前添加了static這個詞。在此之前,我得到的錯誤「無法使非靜態字段moveP(PointForPassReferenceTypeParameterByValue)的靜態引用」 我的問題是爲什麼?我傳遞的對象是靜態的?我的意思是靜態參考在這裏意味着什麼? 如果我用p.moveP(p)替換callP moveP(p)會怎麼樣?無法對非靜態類型的方法進行靜態引用Point

package passbyvaluepracticetest; 

public class PassReferenceTypeParamenterByValue { 
    public static void main (String []args){ 
     PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue p = new PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue(2, 3); 
     System.out.println("The new X and Y postions of the point P after it has been moved by the method p.moveP() are X: " + moveP(p).xPosition + "and Y: " + moveP(p).yPosition + "."); 

    public static PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue moveP(PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue del_p){ 
     del_p = new PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue(del_p.xPosition, del_p.yPosition); 
     return del_p; 

public class PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue { 
    int xPosition; 
    int yPosition; 
    PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue(int x, int y){ 


請閱讀http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/classvars.html - 並查看右側的所有「相關」問題。 –


請參閱http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3903537/i-want-to-know-the-difference-between-static-method-and-non-static-method – Ashish


首先閱讀有關靜態之間的區別和非靜態的 –



我希望你們了一個答案,這將需要一些時間,所以繼續在檢查回來就好了一個小時左右(或檢查所有的節省我做,因爲格式和東西,讓我發瘋的.. )



public class PassReferenceTypeParamenterByValue { 

     public static void main (String []args){ 
      PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue p = new PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue(2, 3); 
      System.out.println("The new X and Y postions of the point P after it has been moved by the method p.moveP() are X: " + moveP(p).xPosition + " and Y: " + moveP(p).yPosition + "."); 

     public static PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue moveP(PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue del_p){ 
      del_p = new PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue(del_p.xPosition, del_p.yPosition); 
      return del_p; 

    /* Make sure to understand the difference class types 
    * With "pulbic class...." you create a Top-Level class ("normal" java class) which has to reside in its own .java file 
    * So if you want to create a "public class MyClass" it MUST reside in a file MyClass.java. 
    * If you however want to define multiple classes whithin the same .java file what you need is a so called nested top level 
    * class. It is basicially the same like a top-level class except it is not stored within a own .java file with the same name 
    class PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue { 
     int xPosition; 
     int yPosition; 
     PointForPassReferenceTypeParametersByValue(int x, int y){ 







public class PassReferenceTypeParamenterByValue { 

     public static void main (String []args){ 
      MyPoint p = new MyPoint(2, 3); 
      //We already use the get/ set methods rather to "rape" your new MyPoint object by directly calling its member variables 
      System.out.println("The new X and Y postions of the point P after it has been moved by the method p.moveP() are X: " + moveP(p).getXPosition() + " and Y: " + moveP(p).getYPosition() + "."); 

     public static MyPoint moveP(MyPoint del_p){ 
      del_p = new MyPoint(del_p.getXPosition(), del_p.getYPosition()); 
      return del_p; 

    /* We call this MyPoint just because the sun is shining bright outside here in switzerland (teaching you how to name things properly 
    * exceeds the bounds of my answer right now. 
    class MyPoint { 
     /* Encapsulation: You dont want other classes to directly access your class members (variables) so you define those 
     * as private. Thus to allow other classes to access those private members you provide get/set Methods. Go read about 
     * the java bean naming convention of bean propertys and the according get/ set methods right now and make sure to always 
     * use that naming pattern in the future (since tonns of frameworks youre maybe using in the future will rely on you following 
     * those standards 
     private int xPosition; 
     private int yPosition; 

     MyPoint(int x, int y){ 

     /* You dont want to have that for any variable in general but for those that should be accessable (indirectly) from 
     * outside your code. 
     public void setXPosition(int xPosition){ 
      /* Because you now have two variables (read about visibility of different variable types) with the same name you have 
      * to clearify which of both you mean. By adding 'this' you tell the compiler youre talking about the variable of the 
      * object rather than the local one of this method. 

      this.xPosition = xPosition; 

     public int getXPosition(){ 
      /* Here you dont need the 'this' because there is no other local variable with the same name, you can however always 
      * make that clearification so "return this.xPosition" is equal in that case. 
      return xPosition; 

     //The same for the yPosition value: 
     public void setYPosition(int yPosition){ 
      this.yPosition = yPosition; 

     public int getYPosition(){ 
      //like told above 'return this.yPosition' is equal to 'return yPosition' 
      return this.yPosition; 



public class PassReferenceTypeParamenterByValue { 

     public static void main (String []args){ 
      MyPoint p = new MyPoint(2, 3); 

      System.out.println("The new X and Y postions of the point P after it has been moved by the method p.moveP() are X: " + moveThePointYouDeliverMe(p).getXPosition() + " and Y: " + moveThePointYouDeliverMe(p).getYPosition() + "."); 

      System.out.println("The new X and Y postions of the new point P after it has been created by the method p.moveP() are X: " + moveThePointYouDeliverMe(p).getXPosition() + " and Y: " + moveThePointYouDeliverMe(p).getYPosition() + "."); 


     /* If you just want to move a point and not create a new, independent (of the one delivered) one you 
     * can just use the set-methods of that point, modify its values and return the updated point. 
     * This will best match your above System-out which indicates you still have the same Point object you delivered to that method. 
     public static MyPoint moveThePointYouDeliverMe(MyPoint del_p){ 
      return del_p; 

     /* If you dont want to change the object delivered to your method but rather return a new, independent object 
     * your previous approach comes in with a little modification so you dont change the state of the delivered object 
     public static MyPoint copyAndMoveThePointDeliveredMe(MyPoint del_p){ 
      return new MyPoint(10, 20); 

    /* We call this MyPoint just because the sun is shining bright outside here in switzerland (teaching you how to name things properly 
    * exceeds the bounds of my answer right now. 
    class MyPoint { 
     /* Encapsulation: You dont want other classes to directly access your class members (variables) so you define those 
     * as private. Thus to allow other classes to access those private members you provide get/set Methods. Go read about 
     * the java bean naming convention of bean propertys and the according get/ set methods right now and make sure to always 
     * use that naming pattern in the future (since tonns of frameworks youre maybe using in the future will rely on you following 
     * those standards 
     private int xPosition; 
     private int yPosition; 

     MyPoint(int x, int y){ 

     /* You dont want to have that for any variable in general but for those that should be accessable (indirectly) from 
     * outside your code. 
     public void setXPosition(int xPosition){ 
      /* Because you now have two variables (read about visibility of different variable types) with the same name you have 
      * to clearify which of both you mean. By adding 'this' you tell the compiler youre talking about the variable of the 
      * object rather than the local one of this method. 

      this.xPosition = xPosition; 

     public int getXPosition(){ 
      /* Here you dont need the 'this' because there is no other local variable with the same name, you can however always 
      * make that clearification so "return this.xPosition" is equal in that case. 
      return xPosition; 

     //The same for the yPosition value: 
     public void setYPosition(int yPosition){ 
      this.yPosition = yPosition; 

     public int getYPosition(){ 
      //like told above 'return this.yPosition' is equal to 'return yPosition' 
      return this.yPosition; 



public class PassReferenceTypeParamenterByValue { 

     public static void main (String []args){ 

      MyPoint p = new MyPoint(2, 3); 

      System.out.println("Created a Point with coordinates X="+p.getXPosition()+" , Y+"+p.getYPosition()); 

      int newXPos = 20; 
      int newYPos = 10; 

      System.out.println("Moving the Point to the new coordinates X="+newXPos+" , Y="+newYPos); 

      /* Since you already have a reference 'p' to your point and know that your move-method wont change the reference (e.g. create and return a new 
      * Point Object. you can just call this method without storing the same reference: 
      moveThePointYouDeliverMe(p, newXPos, newYPos); 

      System.out.println("The point was moved! New coordinates: X="+p.getXPosition()+" , Y+"+p.getYPosition());   


     /* We now allow the outerworld to tell us where to move that point to. 
     public static MyPoint moveThePointYouDeliverMe(MyPoint del_p, int newXPosition, int newYPosition){ 
      return del_p; 

     /* We dont need such a method because the outerworld can already create the same result by directly calling 
     * the constructor of MyPoint providing the values of x/y to the constructor 
     * So delte this comment and this method 
     /*public static MyPoint copyAndMoveThePointDeliveredMe(MyPoint del_p, int newXPosition, int newYPosition){ 
      return new MyPoint(newXPosition, newYPosition); 

    /* We call this MyPoint just because the sun is shining bright outside here in switzerland (teaching you how to name things properly 
    * exceeds the bounds of my answer right now. 
    class MyPoint { 
     /* Encapsulation: You dont want other classes to directly access your class members (variables) so you define those 
     * as private. Thus to allow other classes to access those private members you provide get/set Methods. Go read about 
     * the java bean naming convention of bean propertys and the according get/ set methods right now and make sure to always 
     * use that naming pattern in the future (since tonns of frameworks youre maybe using in the future will rely on you following 
     * those standards 
     private int xPosition; 
     private int yPosition; 

     MyPoint(int x, int y){ 

     /* You dont want to have that for any variable in general but for those that should be accessable (indirectly) from 
     * outside your code. 
     public void setXPosition(int xPosition){ 
      /* Because you now have two variables (read about visibility of different variable types) with the same name you have 
      * to clearify which of both you mean. By adding 'this' you tell the compiler youre talking about the variable of the 
      * object rather than the local one of this method. 

      this.xPosition = xPosition; 

     public int getXPosition(){ 
      /* Here you dont need the 'this' because there is no other local variable with the same name, you can however always 
      * make that clearification so "return this.xPosition" is equal in that case. 
      return xPosition; 

     //The same for the yPosition value: 
     public void setYPosition(int yPosition){ 
      this.yPosition = yPosition; 

     public int getYPosition(){ 
      //like told above 'return this.yPosition' is equal to 'return yPosition' 
      return this.yPosition; 



public class PassReferenceTypeParamenterByValue { 

     public static void main (String []args){ 

      MyPoint p = new MyPoint(2, 3); 

      System.out.println("Created a Point with coordinates X="+p.getXPosition()+" , Y+"+p.getYPosition()); 

      int newXPos = 20; 
      int newYPos = 10; 

      System.out.println("Moving the Point to the new coordinates X="+newXPos+" , Y="+newYPos); 

      p.moveMe(newXPos, newYPos); 

      System.out.println("The point was moved! New coordinates: X="+p.getXPosition()+" , Y+"+p.getYPosition());   


    class MyPoint { 

     private int xPosition; 
     private int yPosition; 

     MyPoint(int x, int y){ 

     /* Like polite people polite programms ask things to move rather to just move them away not because the result differs 
     * but the way you got to the result :) 
     public void moveMe(int newXPos, int newYPos){ 
      /*We own those variables, we have the exclusive right to directly modify those values and are the only ones that dont 
      * need to call the set/get Methods for this 
      this.xPosition = newXPos; 
      this.yPosition = newYPos; 

     public void setXPosition(int xPosition){ 
      this.xPosition = xPosition; 

     public int getXPosition(){ 
      return xPosition; 

     public void setYPosition(int yPosition){ 
      this.yPosition = yPosition; 

     public int getYPosition(){ 
      return this.yPosition; 



public class PassReferenceTypeParamenterByValue { 

     public static void main (String []args){ 
      new PassReferenceTypeParamenterByValue().myDynamicMain();  

     public void myDynamicMain(){ 
      //Look at this as your new main for now until you understand the static parts in the java world. 
      System.out.println("From here on i dont have to care about static stuff..."); 

      //Place your Code here 


  • 我收到了一本書,有589頁,標題爲「學習Java從初級到專業」。
  • 在頭兩年後,我成了這本書就像你做我試過汽車無事,並試圖完全理解爲什麼他們的工作或他們爲什麼不
  • 2年後,我已經讀過那本書完全地超過20倍。



無論您是否評價或接受此答案都不符合我的興趣。但是,一旦你成爲一名優秀的程序員,請記得幫助剛剛開始的程序員;) – JBA


謝謝你的廣泛回答,其中也包括一些指導。我非常感謝。我很感謝你,我會記住你的建議,你現在正在幫助我,並且在我可以幫助他人的時候會幫助我回報:) 我會尋找你建議的書。再次感謝。祈禱。 – user2882662


你能告訴我這本書的作者名字嗎? – user2882662
